Questions tagged [sunos]

SunOS is a version of the Unix operating system developed by Sun Microsystems for their workstation and server computer systems. The SunOS name is usually only used to refer to versions 1.0 to 4.1.4 of SunOS. These versions were based on BSD, while SunOS version 5.0 and later are based on UNIX System V Release 4, and are marketed under the brand name Solaris.

SunOS is a version of the Unix operating system developed by Sun Microsystems for their workstation and server computer systems. The SunOS name is usually only used to refer to versions 1.0 to 4.1.4 of SunOS. These versions were based on BSD, while SunOS version 5.0 and later are based on UNIX System V Release 4, and are marketed under the brand name Solaris.

176 questions
13 answers

How to get the command line args passed to a running process on unix/linux systems?

On SunOS there is pargs command that prints the command line arguments passed to the running process. Is there is any similar command on other Unix environments?
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6 answers

Unix command to remove everything after first column

I have a text file in which I have something like this- 56538154 3028 28909678 3166 869126135 6025 In that text file, I have around 1,000,000 rows exactly as above. I am working in SunOS…
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3 answers

How can I check if the Operating System is Sun Os or Unix or Solaris from by bashrc

I want to know, how can we check in the bashrc file, what operating system is it?
Kumar Alok
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Makefile error: Unexpected end of line seen

Trying to install Git, I ran configure and make, but got the following error message: make: Fatal error in reader: Makefile, line 221: Unexpected end of line seen The Makefile looks like: 218: GIT-VERSION-FILE: FORCE 219: …
Winston C. Yang
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6 answers

Bash: How to make short delay?

How to make a short delay (for less than a second) in bash? The smallest time unit in sleep command is 1 sec. I am using bash 3.0 in SunOS 5.10.
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5 answers

On solaris, is there a command to get the Ethernet Card MAC Address without being root

On Solaris, is there a command that I can run to get the MAC address of an ethernet card without running "/sbin/ifconfig -a" as root. Running /sbin/ifconfig -a as a non root user leaves out the MAC address - go figure! Thanks, Paul
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9 answers

Getting the uptime of a SunOS UNIX box in seconds only

How do I determine the uptime on a SunOS UNIX box in seconds only? On Linux, I could simply cat /proc/uptime & take the first argument: cat /proc/uptime | awk '{print $1}' I'm trying to do the same on a SunOS UNIX box, but there is no…
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1 answer

How to find out the number of threads a process is using on Solaris?

I know the pid of the process. top -H -p works on Linux, but I am not able to get it running on Solaris: $ top -H -p 3677 /usr/local/packages/top/bin/top-default: illegal option -- H Top version 3.5beta7 Usage: top-default [-ISbinqu] [-d x]…
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1 answer

In which order does the linker process the library directories?

It is possible that more than one instance of the library exists in the search path during compilation. In what order will linker process directories included in the search path? The platform in question is Sun OS.
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7 answers

Get Yesterday's date in solaris

I am running SunOS. bash-3.00$ uname -a SunOS lvsaishdc3in0001 5.10 Generic_142901-02 i86pc i386 i86pc I need to find Yesterday's date in linux with the proper formatting passed from command prompt. When I tried like this on my shell…
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2 answers

Combine files in one

Currently I am in this directory- /data/real/test When I do ls -lt at the command prompt. I get like below something- REALTIME_235000.dat.gz REALTIME_234800.dat.gz REALTIME_234600.dat.gz REALTIME_234400.dat.gz REALTIME_234200.dat.gz How can I…
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2 answers

How to link non thread-safe library so each thread will have its own global variables from it?

I have a program that I link with many libraries. I run my application on profiler and found out that most of the time is spent in "waiting" state after some network requests. Those requests are effect of my code calling sleeping_function() from…
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3 answers

how to get process id attached with particular port in sunos

I am trying to get processes attached with a port 7085 on SunOS. i tried following commands. netstat -ntlp | grep 7085 didn't return anything netstat -anop | grep 7085 tried this one also. This switches are not valid in SunOs I am getting the…
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2 answers

"tail -f" makes disk full?

our application server (sunOS) always gets disk full. and our Infrastructure team said it's caused by too many "tail -f" processes. Because the app rotates log file frequently, it caused the dead link and no disk space? I've never heard of this…
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2 answers

Solaris and Java contiguous memory clarification needed

Background: We have a vendor-supplied Java application that has a somewhat large Java Heap. Without going into too much info, the app is a black box to us, yet we feel we need to take it upon ourselves to try to tune the performace and fix…
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