Questions tagged [suitescript]

SuiteScript is a JavaScript-based API that gives developers the ability to extend NetSuite beyond the capabilities provided through SuiteBuilder point-and-click customization.

SuiteScript is the NetSuite platform built on JavaScript that enables complete customization and automation of business processes. Using the SuiteScript APIs, core business records and user information can be accessed and manipulated via scripts that are executed at pre-defined events. For example, field change, form submit, before read, before write, or Web requests. They can also be scheduled to run at specific times.

SuiteScript is comprised of several components enabling the most useful customization in SaaS:

  • Suitelets — Extensions to SuiteScript let you build a custom interface that is hosted within the NetSuite framework. Suitelets allow for completely custom HTML, Flash or NetSuite-based front-end development that can be build from scratch or by leveraging revolutionary SuiteScript UI Objects. Suitelets can also serve as the back-end for external HTML interfaces, providing complete flexibility in developing application extensions to NetSuite.

  • SuiteScript UI Objects — Serve as extensions which let you build a custom interface that runs invisibly within the NetSuite framework.

  • Portlet SuiteScript — Scripted Dashboard portlets allow for listing of any NetSuite content on the Dashboard or inclusion of external data-feeds via RSS, HTML or Flash, as well as Web 2.0 mashups (e.g. instant messaging, maps, blogs, more) via embedded Inline HTML fields, or iFrames.

  • Scheduled SuiteScript — Facilitates business process customization via JavaScript extensions and allow for records to be processed as a scheduled batch to automate workflows such as re-assignment of stale leads, drip-marketing or scheduling of collection calls based on days overdue.

  • User Event SuiteScript — SuiteScript can be used to enforce data validation and business rules. User Event SuiteScripts are triggered as users work with records and data changes in NetSuite as they open, edit or save records.

  • Client SuiteScript — Field-level calculations, alerts and business logic are facilitated by SuiteScripts which run within the user's browser as they work with data and records within NetSuite. Additionally Server SuiteScript APIs can be invoked via the Client SuiteScript code to apply business logic beyond a single record.

  • 1100 questions
    2 answers

    On what version of javascript does NetSuite currently run SuiteScripts?

    On what version of javascript does netsuite currently run SuiteScripts? This is my understanding: SuiteScript is a NetSuite scripting API that runs on a javascript engine. Javascript has multiple versions (E.G. ES6 and ES7). Which version does this…
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    How to set value for the multi-select field using netsuite suitescript 2.0 version?

    I want to set the value for the multi-select with existing values in that field. (i.e) If the Filed has the values "A , B" means I wants add the New Value "c" with Existing Values So, Result would be "A,B,C" . I used "N/Record' Modules…
    Deepan Murugan
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    I am running into the issue below when trying to edit a CUSTOMER record in NetSuite. The script I have created is very simple. What could I possibly doing wrong with such a simplistic piece of…
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    Programmatically create PAYMENT_VENDOR record in NetSuite?

    So, this is what I'm doing (hardcoding most values for now, just trying to learn NS): var vendorBillPayment = record.create({ type: record.Type.VENDOR_PAYMENT, isDynamic: false, defaultValues: { …
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    Loading custom record in SuiteScript 2.0

    I'm trying to load a custom record like below: var mergeRecord = record.load({ type: record.Type.'custrecord_merge_vendor', id: '12', isDynamic: true }); This seems wrong.. but the equivalent for standard records is like below: var…
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    Query attachment from a Message record

    Through the UI, I have created several Message records attached to a Support Ticket record, two of which have file attachments. I have been able to retrieve the ticket, and its related messages in Suitescript - which are correctly reporting…
    Chris Barcroft
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    What is the SuiteScript 2.0 equivalent to nlapiRequestURL()?

    Does anyone know the SuiteScript 2.0 equivalent? nlapiRequestURL(url, postdata, headers, httpMethod)
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    Suitescript 2.0 addButton

    I have a suitelet with a sublist button and I am trying to get the button to execute a function on a custom module. I can not get it to work. I get an error "Cannot call method "receive" of undefined" Any Ideas? Snippet of code to add…
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    How to access/expose Inventory Item Locations sublist fields in Suitescript

    I have the multiple locations feature enabled and multi-location inventory. I need a way to set or retrieve location-specific values, such as Location On Hand, Location Next Count Date, Location Last Count Date, Location Inventory Count…
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    Source State record to sublist field

    I am trying to create a custom sublist with sublist field with source to be States record that is managed in Setup > Company > States/Provinces/Countries section. Here is the example code that I am using and it doesn't work. _sublist.addField({ …
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    What is difference between restlet,suitelet,suite talk

    1)Comparing with in Restlet,suitelet and suitetalk In which scenarios we mostly preferred to use restlet, In which scenarios we mostly preferred to use suitelet, In which scenarios we mostly preferred to use suitetalk. anyone can help 2)what is…
    3 answers

    SuiteScript 2.0 Add filters to saved search in script

    I have a custom record that has a field for an item and a field for location. I have a saved search on that record that already has the columns I want and some beginning criteria that will always be needed. I want to use this search when I am on a…
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    Get Saved Search values for multiple "formula" columns

    Morning Gurus, I have a saved search within Netsuite with multiple "formula" columns. For example, there are several formulapercent' named columns, although thelabel' for each is unique. However when using…
    Steve Reeder
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    How do I make a text box appear after selecting an option from a drop-down menu in SuiteScript?

    I am new to SuiteScript. Right now I am trying to make a form using a Suitelet. In this form I want to add logic to the Suitelet where if a user selects an option from a dropdown menu, then that option will make a textbox appear for the user to…
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    Problem in sending JsonString to Python endpoint using Netsuite script

    I have a simple python route as follows:- @app.route('/api/customer/', methods=['PUT']) def check(): data=request.json return data I'm trying to call this python route using suite script in Oracle Netsuite. Here is the code for Requesting part…
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