Questions tagged [suitecrm]

SuiteCRM is a CRM application written in PHP and is a fork of the popular SugarCRM Community Edition project. It adds various plugins onto SugarCRM CE including support for Quotes and Products, Reports, Workflow, Events, Teams and a Case portal integration.It is fully compatible with SugarCRM 6.5.

SuiteCRM is a CRM application written in PHP and is a fork of the popular SugarCRM Community Edition project. It adds various plugins onto SugarCRM CE including support for Quotes and Products, Reports, Workflow, Events, Teams and Case portal integration.

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488 questions
2 answers

Call to undefined function iconv() fatal error - Suitecrm

Using suitecrm 7.9.1 I am facing the below error whenever i try to create a lead , that is after submitting the create lead form. Facing the same error whenever i try to import a csv file . This error occurs only on live server Fatal error:…
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Resources to learn SuiteCRM?

I am a developer who has no experience working with CRM systems. I want to build a simple system using SuiteCRM. But I can't find a single tutorial for SuiteCRM in the internet. Believe me I spent several days searching for tutorials but I couldn't…
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SugarCRM - Incoming emails stripped outside body tag

On our system, we received an email from one of our supplier, formatted this way :

Email content

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Include PHP and JS files in SuiteCRM

I am using SuiteCRM 7.4.3 and need to include two files (a PHP file and a JS file) into the whole project instance. What are the best practices in this situation? Where should I copy the source files and where do I include them?
Amirhossein Rzd
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7 answers

How to solve undefined labels in suiteCRM

I am getting this error in SuiteCRM: "NetworkError: 404 Not Found - /cache/jsLanguage/Home/en_us.js?v=9W_DRN8pphMvoAsvU564UA" Please help me that how can I solve it?
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Uploadify not working in Google Chrome and Safari

I have gone through all the available post on SO. But, couldn't found the helpful post. It was working fine earlier on all the browser. But, stop working now on Chrome and Safari. I do not get any error in console when loading it on Chrome and…
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how to create logic hook in SuiteCRM for last activity date in list view while Creating/Editing Task in Targets details view?

Create "after save" logic hook in SuiteCRM for last activity date in list view while Creating/Editing Task in targets details view.
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module creation in suiteCRM

I am using SuiteCRM ( Sugar CRM 6.x community edition ) & want to create a custom login page and after successful login I want to redirect based on user type tried to create some modules but there is no clear documentation except few of useful…
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How can I populate a dropdown box automatically with the data in a table of sugarcrm?

I want to create a dropdown list in sugarcrm custom module and auto populate it using the data in the sugar database. Dropdown options should be fetched from table. Name column will be displayed as option display text and ID as option value. Can…
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Adding New Data Type(Module Object) In SugarCRM Module Builder

I need to create new object type which need to be available in Module Builder while creating new and modifying existing modules. It should be listed with "Person", "Basic" etc.
mark rammmy
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Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now in SugarCRM using mysql stored procedure

This is my code below: public function listParkedAccounts($days = NULL) { global $db; $days_db = (empty($days))?"7":$days; $stmt = "CALL parked_accounts('.$days_db.')"; $result = $db->query($stmt,true,'Failed to fetch aged…
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2 answers

SuiteCRM: Redirect to editview from beforesave hook logic

Redirect to editview from beforesave hook logic I am trying to redirect from before save hook logic if an error occurs in it.It should redirect to edit view with error.I am using this code: function ShowError($errorMsg,$beanID){ try{ …
6 answers

How to work with SuiteCRM via GIT

My company took a terrible decision. They decided to use SuiteCRM, someone installed it for them, and now i should support and develop it. We should customize it a lot and of course it's needed to create many relationships, custom fields, e.t.c.…
1 answer

SuiteCRM, sugarCRM : Modifying the name of subpanels

Modifying the name of subpanels using studio works perfectly, but when i do quick repair and rebuild or when i clear simply the cache, i lose the modifications. Thank you for your help ! Best regards.
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Users, Roles, and Security Groups Management - How to Set up a Downline in SuiteCRM

SuiteCRM 7.5.1 - In Reference to using Users, Roles, and the Security Groups within SuiteCRM specifically. So, I have a specific setup and I've looked through and read lots of documentation and tried my best to wrap my head around how SuiteCRM does…
Josh Whitlow
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