Questions tagged [subtype]

198 questions
1 answer

Hiding a field for a subtype in Alloy

Suppose I have the following signature declarations, in Alloy 4.2: sig Target {} abstract sig A { parent: lone A, r: some Target } sig B extends A {} sig C extends A {} When running, the resulting instances would have arrows from every B…
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Subtyping and Module Inclusion in OCaml

Suppose I have the following setup module type FOO = sig type f val do_foo : f end module type BAR = sig type b val do_bar : b end module type FOOANDBAR = sig include FOO include BAR end Now I want to (in a nice way, aka, without…
Joseph Victor
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2 answers

JPA multiple discriminator values

We're setting up a new project and decided to use eclipselink for JPA. When creating our domain model we ran into a problem. We have a base class called organisation. We also have Supplier and Customer which both extend organisation. When JPA…
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SQL Design, Joining Types and Subtypes

I'm making a traffic logging front end which allows displaying information on a specific vehicle on property as well as searching for a specific vehicle, but am unsure of the best way to proceed with my database design. What I want to do is be able…
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Scala related trait, abstract types

I have 2 related traits. Dao will be used be a class and DaoHelper will be used by Dao's companion object. I would like trait Dao to be able use functions defined in DaoHelper, the only way I could figure out how to do this is to define the…
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7 answers

When should or shouldn't I use a more general variable type for referencing my object?

There are 2 classes A and B, B extends A. What is the difference between A a = new B(); and B b = new B()? Both create the object of class B. What is the difference?
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Python mypy: float and int are incompatible types with numbers.Real

I am new to Python's static typing module mypy. I am trying to append ints and floats to an array, which I typed statically to be Real. But mypy says that they are incompatible types with Real. I thought ints and floats are a subtype of Real? …
Song Yang
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4 answers

How to prevent entering value in table when primary is used on other table?

I have to construct and populate a supertype-subtype relationship, but I cannot get it to work the way it is supposed to be. Basically PERSON table is the supertype of table STUDENT and TEACHER(subtypes). But a person can be either a student or a…
Loizos Vasileiou
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How to make python typing recognize subclasses as valid types when it expects their parent class?

Here is a minimal example of what I need to do: from typing import Callable, Any class Data: pass class SpecificData(Data): pass class Event: pass class SpecificEvent(Event): pass def detect_specific_event(data:…
2 answers

In ada programming language, Is there a way to create a subtype which takes differently positioned enums of a type?

I am trying create a subtype which takes certain enumerations of a type for example, type Integers_Type is (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10); I want something like this, subtype Odd_Numbers_Type is Integers_Type (1,3,5,7,9); I understand that when we use the…
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4 answers

Java generics with parameter - inheritance

I have the following code: public class Inheritance { class A{ } class B extends A{ } } Could somebody explain me, how it actually works? Does the Class B extend only A class, which parameters are…
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1 answer

kotlin override property from interface with subtype

I have the following situation: interface AbstractState {...} interface SubState {...} interface NiceInterface { var currentState: AbstractState ... } Furthermore I have a class which implements this interface. class Class : NiceInterface { …
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4 answers

Ada Source code modifications using ASIS(Ada Semantics interface specifications)

i am developing a tool for finding sub type range overflow problems in Ada source code.for this purpose i am using ASIS for finding assignment statements in Ada source code and finding type of the variables on the right side of the assignment…
1 answer

What is the favored alternative to subtyping that library writers choose, and why?

I have two types, A and B, which share a common interface T. I want to write functions which work with both A and B through the interface T. In C++, I would have T be an abstract superclass of both A and B, and write functions accepting a parameter…
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Coq: Bypassing the uniform inheritance condition

I've trouble understanding the (point of the) gauntlet one has to pass to bypass the uniform inheritance condition (UIC). Per the instruction Let /.../ f: forall (x₁:T₁)..(xₖ:Tₖ)(y:C u₁..uₙ), D v₁..vₘ be a function which does not verify the…
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