Questions tagged [subtype]

198 questions
1 answer

Use global type instead of the local subtype with same name

I have a oracle database with several packages and some types. There is a type defined like create or replace type my_type as table of varchar2(4000) And then, into pkg_machines there is subtype my_type is varchar2(4000) Now, I didn't write the…
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3 answers

When will scala ever return Any?

I was following the scala course from coursera taught Martin Odersky. He was giving some brilliant examples about return types and one thing puzzled me: if(true) 1 else false // return AnyVal as this is the closest subtype of both primitive types I…
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Equivalence of Array types in Ada

While trying to make an ADA binding to a third party C/C++ library (SAPNWRFCSDK) I came to problems of type inference for array types: First problem: The Gnat-Binding-Generator from gcc (gcc -fdump-ada-spec) is generating lots of intermediate named…
Florian B.
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5 answers

(Java) Difference ways of instantiating subclasses

I have these two classes: public class A {} public class B extends A {} In the main class, I would declare: A a = new B(); B b = new B(); What is the difference between a and b ? Is this what we called a subtyping in java?
1 answer

Select all full records in a supertype/subtype SQL pattern

In a relational supertype/subtype structure where, for example, I have a supertype table entity with an entity_type column and a number of subtype tables, is there any way I can go about querying all entities with their full records, that is somehow…
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java subtype relationship

While reading Horstmann's book, I've encountered this about subtype relationship in Java: S is a subtype of T if: S is an array type and T is Cloneable or Serializable And I couldn't truly understand what this is supposed to mean. Can anyone…
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Android - Determine if LTE on API level 8

I'm using the TelephonyManager on API level 8 to determine the network type and subtype. Though it does not give me an option for LTE, HSPAP, EVDO_8 and EHRPD. They're all available on API level 9+. I want my app to be usable on API level 8+. Can I…
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1 answer

MYSQL - INSERT with SuperType/Subtype and auto increment

Imagine I have the following database structure: product_id in Products table is Auto-Increment How can I Insert something in the Products table and either Amazon_Books or Starbucks_Products without losing track of the product_id? My first…
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1 answer

Build specific class in object graph with Guice

I am stuck in a situation where I decided early on not to create a specific graph with Guice. I need a factory, but I cannot figure out how to build it. What I have achieved is a session aware game object management system. All objects that need to…
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1 answer

Java polymorphism arrays sub-types to each other

I know that Java is static language, and there is dynamic check when it comes to arrays : but I can't understand why this happen, can someone explain to me this example in both cases when : A[] is sub-type to B[], or B[] is sub-type to A[] ? which…
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2 answers

Best way to handle creation of large number of subtype objects

I have a base Message class, and around 100 different subtype classes of Message that represent each type of message that can be processed. What I am currently considering doing is using a giant switch statement to create the message object. For…
Bob Bryan
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1 answer

Adding object to a list of supertypes with wildcards

Possible Duplicate: Understanding wildcards in Java generics I have a class Car which is extended by Chevrolet. Then you can see quite normal piece of code: List extededChevrolets = new ArrayList<>(); List
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Making a given Java class more generic and flexible

I am given a class Shop that maintains a collection of items of type T. It provides buy and sell functions for single or multiple items and uses a List as a container for buying and selling: import java.util.*; public class Shop { List
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1 answer

ERD including supertype, subtype database

I'm drawing an ERD for a database and want to know if you need to include the supertypes and sub-types in the ERD. If yes, how to represent it. Thanks.
Cho Dien
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2 answers

Inheritance, does the "is a" relationship always have to hold?

If class B inherits from class A, does class B always have to be a sub-type of A when used in inheritance? I am thinking if it is possible to use inheritance to provide extra code to B, when B is not a subtype of A?
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