I have these two classes:

public class A {}
public class B extends A {}

In the main class, I would declare:

A a = new B();
B b = new B();

What is the difference between a and b ? Is this what we called a subtyping in java?

5 Answers5


The difference between a and b is that with a you can only use the public API that the A class provides even though its really a B type object, but with b, you can use both the A's public API as well as B's public API.

For example:

Suppose A and B are defined as follows:

// A.java
public class A
  public void x()

  public void y()

  protected void z(String message)

// B.java
public class B extends A
  public void a()

  public void b()

And here's a demo:

// Demo.java
public class Demo
  public static void main(String[] args)
    A a = new B();
    B b = new B();

    // Can only call A's public methods
    // a.a(); Can't use
    // a.b(); Can't use

    // Can call all public methods
Aman Agnihotri
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  • So `a` won't be able to call any of B's method, right? If so, why would I declare it as `A a = new B()` instead of `A a = new A()` ? – Sleeping Beauty Feb 28 '14 at 15:16
  • Well because sometimes you only need to care that it implements all A's public API, even though its `B` or any other class which extends `A`. So that you can use `A`'s public methods on a collection of objects which inherit from `A` without knowing what type of object each is. – Aman Agnihotri Feb 28 '14 at 15:17

Yes, there is difference between them. Accssibility of methods are different depends on what kind of reference you use.

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A a = new B(); B b = new B();

a is a reference of Class A and b is a reference of class B. super class always can be used to point subclass object.

reference a able to access only super class method and properties

reference b able to access super class and it's own method and properties

one important thing is, ability of accessibility of function and properties will decided at runtime.

java seeker
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In below two cases

A a = new B();

a is an instantiation of B and of type A.

whereas in

B a = new B();

a is an instantiation of B and of type B.

The important thing to note here is that (in the first case) if you call a.someMethod(), the method of B will be called, not the method of A (this is called dynamic binding, as opposed to static binding).

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This is basic inheritance. In the B b = ... case you can access all methods and variables provided from A and B but in the A case you can only use the methods and variables in the A case.

B gets typecasted into A when it is created, but that information is not required by the compiler.

public class A {
    int x;

public class B extends A {
    int y;

A a = new B();
B b = new B();

int c = a.x; //works
int c = a.y; //doesn't work
int c = b.y; //works
int c = b.x; //works

Remember, that you can always cast an object "downwards" in the inheritance chain. But you should not cast a object upwards because the variables for the subclass might be used even though they dont exist, for exmaple B b = new A(); So b.y is dangerous since the B object doesn't have an y variable defined.

theodore hogberg
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