Questions tagged [submenu]

A submenu is a menu, that is a list of options or commands, which is contained within another menu.

A submenu is a menu, that is a list of options or commands, which is contained within another menu.

Submenus are commonly found in desktop applications but also websites.

See also: Menu (computing) on Wikipedia

1356 questions
1 answer

current menu item color change

i am working on a site .as you can see the menu item digital marketing.when you click on it it takes you to the digital marketing page and the current menu item color changes to the given color.the problem is all the menu items under the current…
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2 answers

A simply CSS/HTML menu

I've a proble with a simply CSS/HTML menu! When I hover in the second voice of menu, the submenu opens over the main menu and not down! Why? The CSS code is here: * { margin: 0; padding: 0; } #navbar { height: 70px; } .navbar > li,…
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2 answers

Multilevel Push Menu with Bootstrap3

I would love to find something similar to this multilevel push-menu (with overlapping), but for a Bootstrap 3 based site. Does anyone know about some adaptation of the same? Whatever Codrops creates is really awesome, but never Bootstrap ready and I…
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2 answers

Need help making a sub menu that opens on hover

I have a menu that I have built that is currently working fine, I am trying to add sub menu items that appear when the mouse hovers over a menu item. Does anyone know how to do this?
4 answers

Simple php quote syntax error on echo usage inside echo

I have no problem with creating php submenu class selected but when i try to create this submenu inside submenu: I can't get it work. Problem: Defining echo inside echo returning syntax error because of quotes.
2 answers

I want to open submenu on hover of menu item, but it's not opening

Hi I am making menu and submenu. I want to open submenu on hover of menu item, but it's not opening! it was wondering if you could help me on this .womendress: hover > .menu1 { display: block; } .menu1 { display: none; position:…
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