
I would love to find something similar to this multilevel push-menu (with overlapping), but for a Bootstrap 3 based site. Does anyone know about some adaptation of the same?

Whatever Codrops creates is really awesome, but never Bootstrap ready and I am not able to port it myself most of the time.

I would like this to work with AngularJS, ng-repeats, children etc...

The link: Multilevel Push Menu

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2 Answers2


This one maybe? MultiLevelPushMenu jQuery Plugin implementation, https://github.com/adgsm/multi-level-push-menu

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I have recently implemented the Coderops multi level menu in my own site under bootstrap 3. My solution might not be exactly what you need as it is a Backbone Marionette App, however there might be something there to get you started.

My HAML for getting the menu DIV nested inside the bootstrap container is

      = "Mark2"
    %meta{:content => "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0", :name => "viewport"}/
    %meta{:name => "fragment", :content => '!'}
    = stylesheet_link_tag    "application", media: "all", "data-turbolinks-track" => false
    = javascript_include_tag 'modernizr'
                = yield
  = requirejs_include_tag "app"

So I have the menu div inside the bootstrap container and then the rest of the site inside the scroller.

A full write up is on my personal site.

Multi Level Push Menu In Backbone Marionette And Bootstrap 3

Feel free to comment here or on my site if you want more details.

Mark Stratmann
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