Questions tagged [sublimelinter]

SublimeLinter is a plugin for the Sublime Text editor, which integrates a variety of existing linting tools. Full documentation is available at

SublimeLinter is a plugin for the Sublime Text editor, which integrates a variety of existing linting tools. It has been completely rewritten for Sublime Text 3 into a more modular architecture, and to take advantage of the expanded API. Linters are no longer included in SublimeLinter3; instead they must be installed separately through Package Control along with the base SublimeLinter package.

The Sublime Text 2 version of the plugin is no longer being supported, but the final release is still available for installation. The documentation is available here.

203 questions
14 answers

SublimeText encloses lines in white rectangles

It's rather annoying and I can't seem to figure out why.
Doug Smith
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5 answers

How can I ignore a lint error for a line with Sublime Text 3 Anaconda?

I'm using Anaconda with Sublime text 3. I have left the lint settings as default with the exception of the following overrides which I've included in a .sublime-project file. "settings": { "anaconda_gutter_marks": true, …
Daniel Rucci
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6 answers

Sublime Text 3 Sublimelinter phplint and php not found?

I have been playing with this for over an hour to get the sublimelinter working. So I now have the following packages installed: SublimeLinter SublimeLinter-php SublimeLinter-phplint Does someone know why it still does not lint the PHP I write? I…
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4 answers

eslint in terminal Cannot find module 'eslint-config-react-app'

I use create-react-app to make a react app. the linter works in create-react-app but now i want make it work in my sublimetext. Installed eslint yarn global add eslint (eslint v4.1.1 but also tried v3.19.0 because react app uses that one) run…
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1 answer

using create-react-app and Sublimelinter ESlint together

I use facebook's create-react-app, which intentionally hide all the configuration setup, and leave us with a lovely simple file structure That's great! but there's one really annoying thing that come up: SublimeLinter is no longer works because the…
Asaf Katz
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2 answers

JSHint: Turn off missing semicolon warning

How do I turn off missing semicolon warnings with JSHint in Sublime. I have tried multiple things on the internet to no avail.
Christian Ayscue
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1 answer

How do I configure SublimeLinter-contrib-rustc to find the "piston" crate?

I'm building a Rust game with Piston and I'm trying to use the SublimeLinter Rust package. When I open my .rs game files, I get this linter error: extern crate piston; // linter error: "can't find crate for 'piston'" If I check the Sublime console,…
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4 answers

SublimeLinter could not determine shell PATH

Here's the error message I get each time I start Sublime Text: SublimeLinter could not determine your shell PATH. It is unlikely that any linters will work. Please see the troubleshooting guide for info on how to debug PATH problems. I'm…
Aniket Suryavanshi
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2 answers

Sublime Text 3 SublimeLinter plugin not able to find jshint

For some reason, SublimeLinter3, or the SublimeLinter3 JSHint linter plugin, seems unable to parse the PATH environment variable and is thus unable to run jshint: SublimeLinter: Could not parse shell PATH output: error: SublimeLinter could…
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2 answers

how to disable the "laxcomma" check?

I'm using SublimeLintern package, but I'm experiencing some issues. I would like to toggle that "laxcomma" warning that appears each time I save my files: I do prefer putting my commas at the beginning of each row { "item1": val1 ,"item2": val2 …
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1 answer

How do I fix linting error on jsx closing tags : "unclosed regular expression"?

(PS none of these SO questions (with inaccurate titles) solved, or addressed, this issue: React Linting: Unclosed Regular Expression, unclosed regular expression, React JSX error : Unclosed regular expression) How do I fix linting error on jsx…
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0 answers

ESlint + sublimelinter not working with Sublime Text 3

I followed the guide "Lint like it's 2015" and had no luck, also read on stack-overflow for a similar problem and no luck. I can run eslint fine on the terminal, use it for a test file and showed error (on the terminal). However I just can't get it…
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2 answers

SublimeLinter-php or SublimeLinter-phplint

I'm a new user of Sublime Text / Sublime Text 3 on OS X. I installed the plugin SublimeLinter. I also installed xampp on my local machine. Which should I install next for the linter to work on PHP? SublimeLinter-php or SublimeLinter-phplint? What's…
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1 answer

I do not know how to get sublimelinter-html-tidy to work

I have sublime text 3, but after I installed sublimelinter-html-tidy through the 'Package Control: Install Package', nothing changed. I also have Emmit, Bracket Highlighter, Side Bar, and a few others installed on my Sublime 3, and they all do what…
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2 answers

SublimeLinter 3 Not Working

I've been having some problems with SublimeLinter3. I recently installed JSHint and Sublime Linter 3 with my package control, and when I manually use JSHint from the command palette it works fine. However, my SublimeLinter isn't doing anything.…
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