Questions tagged [streaming]

Streaming is the process of delivering digital multimedia content from a provider to a consumer over a network. The provider may have the data stored or may be relaying it from a live source.

In computer science, streaming is the process of sending or receiving a sequence (stream) of data elements made available over time. A stream can be thought of as a conveyor belt that allows items to be processed one at a time rather than in large batches which must be completed in whole before subsequent data transfer occurs.

Streams are processed differently from batch data – normal functions cannot operate on streams as a whole, as they have potentially unlimited data, streams are codata (potentially unlimited), not data (which is finite).

More details in Wikipedia page on streaming media

Streaming Libraries

6889 questions
0 answers

WebRTC doesn't show the video peerConnection remote video

I have tried to connect my video (No webcam) to sync with the other video remotely. But I don't know where I'm wrong. I did it taking into account that they were going to connect to the same room. One performs the stream (LocalVideo) and the other…
1 answer

Java Framework for applet that plays video streams/files (mjpeg/divx/h.264)

Can you tell me the best solution today to make an applet that plays mjpeg/divx/h.264. I need it to work on systems without installing any additional software (like jmf). The client simply goes to a web page, loads the applet and sees the video…
Radu Gancea
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How can i stream through ffmpeg a canvas generated in Node.js to youtube/any other rtmp server?

i wanted to generate some images in Node.JS, compile them to a video and stream them to youtube. To generate the images i'm using the node-canvas module. This sounds simple enough, but i wanted to generate the images continuously, and stream the…
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How long beam setup() refresh in python Dataflow DoFn life cycle?

I have a streaming pipeline where I need to query from BigQuery as reference for my pipeline transform. Since BigQuery tables are only changed in 2 weeks, I put the query cache in setup() instead of start_bundle(). From observing logs, I saw that…
2 answers

RTMP Stream Bitrate alternatives

Which bit rates would you assign as normal and high? Quick Example: For the current project. On one hand I require a high quality stream (for full-screen). And of course, on the other it also has to be fast. The problem to solve is to balance it up…
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MMS protocol [Android Application]

Possible Duplicate: how to stream through mms:// I wish to create an application that would play online radio stations. There are some radio online stations which runs on mms protocol. For example, the url (mms:// ) when clicked…
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Does android support RTSP streaming using the HTML5 video tag?

I know that android supports RTSP streaming if you use the native video player, but I have not been able to find if you can stream video on Android using the HTML5 tag. The real reason I want to figure this out is I will be using Apple HTTP Live…
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servant cannot stream JSON

I try to stream JSON objects to clients in order to have update notifications. My API is declared as following: type API = "poll" :> StreamGet NewlineFraming JSON (SerialT IO Notification) And I have got the following error: • Could not deduce…
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Windows Media Services Web Streaming

Which web player I can use to get live stream from Windows Media Services? Is there are any crossplatform solutions (Windows, iPad/iPhone)? Should I make live convertation to flv or any other trick?
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Add delay to the ffmpeg output (rtmp->rtmp)

I need to add a delay to the output stream. I tried to do this with tpad, -ss, -itsoffset, but didn't work. tpad has shown blank frame for random seconds (I don't know why) and then started streaming. (latest part of the stream, and ignore delay). I…
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Playing a live stream with HTA application

I have a livestream, that I want to play on my HTA application. I have tried using this answer. Main
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LiquidSoap - modifying stream meta description to match schedule

So using LiquidSoap for driving my radio station. I have 3 playlists defined and a schedule to switch between them: pl1 = nrj(playlist("/var/www/html/")) pl2 =…
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Live webcam broadcast - silverlight+media services, or flash?

i am about to design feature for web app enabling live video trainings. Requirements are pretty much this: there are some VIP members (trainers), they are able to start new lesson (with nothing else but web browser and webcam), and non-vip members…
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4 answers

Twitter Streaming API with OAuth?

I've been stuck on this for awhile. Does anyone know how to authenticate the Twitter Streaming API requests using OAuth? As of right now I'm authenticating via Basic Authentication, and I would like to completely switch over to OAuth. Also, I'm…
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Amazon Transcribe streaming with Node.js using websocket

I am working on a whatsapp chatbot where I receive audio file(ogg format) file url from Whatsapp and I get buffer and upload that file on S3(sample.ogg) Now what is want to use AWS Transcribe Streaming so I am creating readStream of file and…
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