Questions tagged [str-to-date]

123 questions
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Why is TFormatSettings not behaving as expected?

I expect the following code to work: program Project3; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$R *.res} uses System.SysUtils; var FS: TFormatSettings; const DF = 'yyyymmdd'; begin try WriteLn(FormatDateTime(DF, Now)); FS :=…
Nick Hodges
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MySQL STR_TO_DATE and timezone

My system timezone is UTC+3. When I work with timestamp columns in MySQL, they are output for my timezone. So if a timestamp column has 00:00 UTC, it is shown as 03:00 for me. I need to fill timestamp column with values using STR_TO_DATE. For…
Mikhail Batcer
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mysql STR_TO_DATE not working

I have a table with a varchar column called birthday CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `test` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `birthday` varchar(30) COLLATE utf16_unicode_ci NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf16…
Thinh Phan
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How to use %U in str_to_date for MySQL

I have a date stored for a weekly metric in a legacy database as a string with this format: 2010 10 which was crafter with the %Y %U format (i.e years followed by week number) So I try to reverse it into a datetime column by doing …
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MySQL STR_TO_DATE() function returns null

I wanted to convert my date format From MMMM dd,yyyy to yyyy-MM-dd. I tried using the following: SET @dt_to = STR_TO_DATE(dateTo, '%d-%m-%Y'); but returns a NULL value. How will I convert my date to yyyy-MM-dd format in MySQL? EDITED: I am creating…
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How to convert a string date in european format to a valid mysql date format?

I am trying to insert 2 dates through a form in my database, date format in the form is a string like this 01/01/2020 and the field in the database is DATE so I understand it will take YYYY/MM/DD right? I have trid this query : INSERT INTO…
jesus fernandez
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spark dataframe column string to date

I would like to convert a spark dataframe string column of 'yyyyMMdd' to date format with spark session (spark) - not spark context. Since I'm not working with spark context (sc), I cannot use the following code, although it would precisly do what…
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Date format in Informix

Is it possible to print the date in the below format in Informix DB, May 19 1993 12:00AM ? Consider the below eg., If I shoot the below query, select sysdate from systables; It displays as, 2017-12-15 05:00:47.24318 But I want the output to be…
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2 answers

Can't create mysql table due to Incorrect datetime value "..." for function str_to_date

The following query works select date(str_to_date("08-Nov-2005 22:07","%d-%M-%Y %H:%i:%S")) As expected, it returns 2005-11-08 The following query also works select date(str_to_date("XXXX","%d-%M-%Y %H:%i:%S")) As expected, it returns NULL I…
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MySQL STR_TO_DATE for strings with just month and year or just year

I have a column called ReleaseDate (which is a string). Most of them are in the form of %e %M %Y (25 May 1979), but there are a few where it is just %M %Y (May 1979) or %Y (1979). Unfortunately, it doesn't seem the STR_TO_DATE works with just %M %Y.…
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STR_TO_DATE discrepancy between MySQL 5.5 and MySQL 5.6

This SQL returns a DATE in MySQL 5.5 but NULL in MySQL 5.6. Why? select date(STR_TO_DATE('2015-01', '%Y-%m')) + INTERVAL 1 DAY; Here's a SQL Fiddle for MySQL 5.5 and 5.6. STR_TO_DATE returns a date in both instances. Converting the result using…
Nice Guy IT
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3 answers

select data from mysql using two column ranges

I have data like this sno name date time 1 Irona 2016-01-01 10:00:00 2 Meona 2016-01-02 21:00:00 3 Lessa 2016-01-02 8:00:00 4 Airik 2016-01-03 10:00:00 I m trying query like this SELECT * FROM `appointment` where…
1 answer

Is there any way to cleanse column having different date formats in mysql

I need to cleanse a column in a table having different date formats. eg : %d-%b-%y, %Y-%B-%d, %d/%m/%Y, %d%b%y, %Y-%b-%d, %Y-%m-%d, %d %b %y, %m/%d/%Y and so on Now i need to convert all date values to uniform format like ** %Y-%m-%d **.
MaDHaN MinHo
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3 answers

mysql DATE_FORMAT STR_TO_DATE date subquery

Here is the RECORDS MySQL TABLE: ID - BIGINT(20) DATE - DATE Records: ID Date 1 2014-03-01 2 2014-03-02 3 2014-04-01 4 2014-04-02 Here is the first Query: SELECT id, DATE_FORMAT(date,'%d/%m/%Y') AS date FROM records WHERE date >=…
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SQL Statement Convert it to 1 to Jan, 2 to Feb and so on

As you seen the image below, the month is now 1 and 2. How can I convert it to 1 to Jan, 2 to Feb and so on. Below are my sql. Help will be appreciate. Thanks in advance! :) SELECT DISTINCT fbmenuname, Sum(quantity) …
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