Questions tagged [storing-data]

259 questions
4 answers

Is there a probabilistic data structure for storing relations?

I have database with user subscriptions to topics. There is currently about 20 000 topics, 20 mln users and 200 mln subscriptions stored in SQL database. Because of its size, the database is partitioned by topics, so I can't get the info in one…
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Writing to two different files with HDF5

I've a small library in C that makes use of HDF5 to write data (v. 1.8.14) under Windows. That lib is then used by a C# app that does some other stuff and then needs to write quite a lot of data. I now need to launch two instances of the application…
Mauro Ganswer
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3 answers

Best Way to store time (Only Time and Not date) in database

I'm developing an application using Java (J2SE). I need to store a Time in database (e.g. 16:30:12). When I need to store date (Or date+time) I convert it to Unix timestamp and I store it as a Long number. But When i need only the Time and not the…
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7 answers

Java read file and store text in an array

I know how to read a file with Java using Scanner and File IOException, but the only thing I don't know is how to store the text in the files as an array. Here is a snippet of my code: public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{ …
word word
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1 answer

What are the reasons to store documents into DBMS when using Alfresco CMS

I have interview for an internship with company that wants to implement document management system and they are considering on the first place open source solutions, their top choice being Alfresco, but decision is still not final, part of my work…
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1 answer

Entity annotation attributes do not work

Here is my entity: [Table( Name = "PdfMeta" )] public class Meta { [Key()] public int Id { get; set; } [Column(Name = "TotalPages")] public int TotalPages { get; set; } [Column(Name = "PdfPath")] public string PdfUri { get;…
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1 answer

Storing json data on the iPhone: save the json string as it is VS make an object from json and use NSCoding + NSKeyedArchiver

In my iPhone application I get json data from a remote server, parse it using the Json Framework and present it in a UIview. Also want to be able to give the user the option to store the data on the device so that it can also be viewed offline. I…
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5 answers

Is it okay to use NSUserDefaults instead of Database?

I am new to iOS, so please spare me if i am asking something thats known to everyone or something wrong. I need to save some Arrays and links in my app. So i used NSUserDefaults instead of Database. I know that NSUserDefaults holds the values until…
Mujib Saiyyed
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2 answers

Is there any advantage/disadvantage of storing field value as a JSON array rather than creating new table and one-to-many relationship bet them?

Suppose each user has some numbers(IDs of props in a web game, e.g.) to store in a DB. I saw some implementations storing the numbers as a JSON string (representing an Array structure) in one field of the user's info table. But my intution is…
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1 answer

Java: Storing bits in the most memory efficient manner

I have written an algorithm to implement Huffman Coding for compressing text files. It basically takes in a string as an input and generates a string of bits as output. However, I am having trouble storing this binary data as it is being stored as a…
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5 answers

PHP - Store information with NO database

I am going to improve a web site in Apache and PHP which has a page with a table containing a list of files. My goal is to allow the user to set one of those files as the “important” one based on some specific and subjective criteria. In order to do…
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3 answers

Most efficient way of storing daily page views, as well as a total count

There allot of discussion on storing page views for an article or video in a database, but I can't seem to find any information on storing daily page views. For example DeviantArt shows you the past 15 or so days and how many page views each one got…
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2 answers

Store data from a triple for loop

I have this code that I wrote in MATLAB to store matrices. I was using cells array, but in Python I don't know how to do this. Would someone know how can I do this? The MATLAB code is: S =[0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1]; % distância entre tx e rx[m] d =…
1 answer

best way to store member of group in mysql table

I am developing an android application where people will sign up and join groups. I have a separate MySQL table which stores details of the users and another table which stores details of groups. But I have problem relating users to groups. The…
Senthil Vidhiyakar
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4 answers

object consisting of jQuery element

current code I've built function to do something over collection of jQuery elements: var collection = $([]); //empty collection I add them with: collection = collection.add(e); and remove with: collection = collection.not(e); It's pretty…
Adam Kiss
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