Questions tagged [statnet]

statnet is a suite of R software packages for network analysis that implement recent advances in the statistical modeling of networks. The analytic framework is based on Exponential family Random Graph Models (ergm). statnet provides a comprehensive framework for ergm-based network modeling, including tools for model estimation, model evaluation, model-based network simulation, and network visualization.

statnet is a suite of software packages for network analysis that implement recent advances in the statistical modeling of networks. The analytic framework is based on Exponential family Random Graph Models (ergm). statnet provides a comprehensive framework for ergm-based network modeling, including tools for model estimation, model evaluation, model-based network simulation, and network visualization. This broad functionality is powered by a central Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm.

statnet has a different purpose than the excellent packages UCINET or Pajek; the focus is on statistical modeling of network data. The statistical modeling capabilities of statnet include ERGMs, latent space and latent cluster models. The packages are written in a combination of (the open-source statistical language) R and (ANSI standard) C, and are called from the R command line. And because it runs in the R package (, you also have access to the full functionality of R, including the packages "network" and "sna" written by Carter Butts. statnet has a command line interface, not a GUI, with a syntax that resembles R.




Related Packages

78 questions
1 answer

Visualizing the result of dividing the network into communities

The dataset is included the network matrix and attribute data frame. Network dataset has 3 data set itself, that I just want to work on PrinFull dataset and also just PRIN attribute data. my data is uploaded in this two link below. I added all…
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Can the ergm/statnet package deal with missing attribute data?

Just starting out with ERGM so apologies if the following question is not logical. I have tried to search on this site, and statnet_help, with no luck. I was wondering whether the ergm() function in statnet can now cope with missing data on…
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get.inducedSubgraph and loop function

I have a list containing a network for each row (sna.list.1). For each of the networks, I need to extract a subgraph where only women are included, in order to calculate the density of women-only networks. I have created a loop function to set…
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Creating two-mode network from binary and character variables in data frame

SNA folks: I am trying to create a two-mode network from a data frame in R. I have a list of organizations which are connected via common membership in a parent organization. I have membership in that organization coded in a binary variable. I have…
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2 answers

Network with three-dimensional edgelist?

I have data which provides information on flows by actor c, broken down by inputs originating from source s, to partner p. Network data normally has only one information: Data / Information flows from A->B, B->C etc. However, my data shows wich…
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0 answers

Why does one of the lines in my ERG model show NA?

I'm building an ERGM on statnet and one of the lines shows NA, which I don't know how to interpret. All of the other nodefactors show results but this one just shows: nodefactor.religion.1 NA 0.0000 0 NA NA …
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1 answer

Centrality Measures in a Weighted Network using Statnet in R

I created a weighted network using both igraph and statnet in R. I am now studying centrality measures of my weighted network using statnet, but the centrality measures I obtain are as if statnet did not take into account the values of my…
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0 answers

Node dynamics–entry and exit in STATNET / TERGM

I have temporal network data and trying to model the formation and dissolution of ties using TERGM (a function in STATNET package in R). The tutorial provided here is very helpful, but it deals with balanced panel data (i.e., the same set of…
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1 answer

In the ergm package in R, if I want to simulate graphs with homophily/clustering, what simulated network should I input in?

In the ergm and latentnet packages, they allow us to input a network and specify covariates. Then, we can add in effects like homophily and clustering (in the latentnet package). It seems there are two branches of applications here: 1) Have existing…
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1 answer

Is it possible to get coordinates from network plots?

I'd like to reproduce a network graph with the same (or close) layout. I know that igraph has the tkplot.getcoords() function. I'd like to copy/get/set.seed a set of vertex coordinates based on the results of gplot, which is the SNA package's…
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1 answer

Network package changes behaviour of summary for character vectors, breaking (all values are printed, preceded by NULL: )

After loading the network package, I have an issue with the function: if a column of class "character" is present, instead of the usual output, summary will print the values from all rows, prepended by NULL:. Here's a toy…
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1 answer

How can I efficiently activate an edge attribute at multiple times in a networkDynamic object in R?

I want to construct a networkDynamic object in R from transaction data where each line represents a contribution by a person to a document. Multiple contributions should be represented as an increase in edge weight instead of creating multiple…
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How can I render a networkDynamic network using the MDSJ rendering engine in R?

I would like to render a dynamic network in R using the fast MDSJ library. Unfortunately, however, all the vertices' coordinates seem to be 0,0 using this rendering engine, which is not the case when using one of the other layouts (kamadakawai or…
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1 answer

Why does read.paj fail on a network with no arcs or edges?

I have a small, 2 vertex network in Pajek format that I would like to read into a network object using statnet. The network has no arcs or edges, just those 2 vertices. Unfortunately, when I use read.paj, it just returns NULL. Code to reproduce…
Jake Fisher
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2 answers

How do I select nodes in a network object based on their edge value?

This might be a very straight forward question, but I seem not to be able to work it out. In R I have a network object of 251739 nodes (inventors) and 759804 edges (collaborations on patents). Both nodes and edges have attribute files. One of such a…
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