Questions tagged [start-stop-daemon]

`start-stop-daemon` is a program used to control the creation and termination of Linux system-level processes (daemons).

start-stop-daemon is a program used to control the creation and termination of Linux system-level processes (daemons). Using one of the matching options, start-stop-daemoncan be configured to find existing instances of a running process.

The man page specifies below note:

Note: unless --pidfile is specified, start-stop-daemon behaves similar to killall(1). start-stop-daemon will scan the process table looking for any processes which match the process name, uid, and/or gid (if specified). Any matching process will prevent --start from starting the daemon. All matching processes will be sent the TERM signal (or the one specified via --signal or --retry) if --stop is specified. For daemons which have long-lived children which need to live through a --stop, you must specify a pidfile.

Usage sample:

start-stop-daemon --start --background -m --pidfile ${PIDFILE} --exec ${DAEMON} -- ${TARGETDIR}

Command arguments explanation:

  • --start : Check for an instance of the specified process and start it (if not already started).
  • --background : the daemon is launched as a background process.
  • -m : make a PID file. This is used when your process doesn't create its own PID file, and is used with --background.
  • --pidfile ${PIDFILE} : check if the PID file has been created or not.
  • --exec : make sure the processes are instances of this executable (in this case, DAEMON)

For more informations and more options, check the man page.

98 questions
1 answer

Logging error output from a php script called from start-stop-daemon

I'm testing the logging the output of a simple php script being run via the start-stop daemon on Ubuntu. The content of the test script, loop.php, is as follows:
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1 answer

Convert Command line to a service in ubuntu 16.04 LTS

When I am running a command bitcore-node start it starts two services. Screenshot of ps aux is attached. I created a service in /etc/init.d description "Bitcoin Core for Bitcore" author "BitPay, Inc." limit nofile 20000 30000 start on…
2 answers

How do I guarantee that I have a process always up and running?

Is it more reliable to use daemontools or supervisord, or that I use crontab that runs a script of mine to keep checking if the process still exists and if not, start it again? What is the best way to guarantee for sure that a process is always…
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1 answer

Delayed jobs stops after some time

I have an application which relies heavily on delayed jobs. So I have setup two servers, one of which servers up the application (m3.medium ec2 instance) while other one runs my delayed jobs(t2.micro ec2 instance). I have created a start and stop…
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2 answers

Simple daemon process in Ubuntu

I want to start a simple daemon process in Ubuntu, which will write the current time to log file every 5 seconds. start-stop-daemon --start --user root --make-pidfile --pidfile /home/manjesh/ --exec…
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2 answers

How to Start/Stop Tomcat for normal user except root in Linux CentOS

I just install Tomcat6 in my Linux CentOS and I just want user to Start/Stop Tomcat without permission denied, there only root have no permission to do so. Any solutions? Thanks.
Vin Poh
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Is there any way to implement stop() for Standalone Spring Boot application as a service/daemon?

I'd like to know how to implement stop() method as Apache Commons Daemon provides on Spring Boot. I read the related documentation from, and it seems that the…
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1 answer

Python daemon starts correctly with init-script but fails on startup

I have some python daemons for raspberry pi applications running on startup with init-scripts. The init script runs fine from the console, starts and ends the background process correctly. The script was made autostart with sudo insserv…
Bernd Gewehr
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start-stop-daemon does not start java process

I am trying to execute this script with the "start" option: #!/bin/sh DESC="Jenkins CI Server" NAME=jenkins PIDFILE=$ RUN_AS=alex COMMAND="/usr/bin/java" COMMAND_ARGS="-jar jenkins.war" d_start() { start-stop-daemon --start --verbose…
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1 answer

Run a php script as daemon on raspban

I wrote a working PHP script with an endless while (true) loop as a Websocket server. Could you help me with: starting the PHP script on boot ? start stop the PHP script via ssh ? I read about PHP endless loops running out of memory (ref) is there…
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How to turn a ls loop into different variables?

Let me redo my question: OK, newb here but here is what I am trying to do: I am trying to write an init script that pulls different config files and pass them into different variables. The END result is to have an init script that can start multiple…
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1 answer

What is the proper way to terminate a script using start-stop-daemon?

I am using a start-stop-daemon to make a INIT script for my script. I am using --make-pidfile cause my script doesn't make its own pid. I can start my script using start and pid file generates with appropriate PID. But the stop function doesn't…
Kamrul Khan
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1 answer

start-stop-daemon doesn't detect already running daemon

I tried to copy /etc/init.d/skeleton and modify it to start a program in background. I came up with the following: do_start() { # Return # 0 if daemon has been started # 1 if daemon was already running # 2 if daemon could not…
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start-stop-daemon and javaFX program

this is driving me crazy, please could you help with the start-stop-daemon to start a javafx jar file, where I need to issue the following command to start it sudo /opt/jdk1.8.0/bin/java -Djavafx.platform=eglfb -cp…
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1 answer

python daemon not calling other python script

I am using python daemon to check a particular table in mongodb if there is any value it should call another python script. Below is the code what I am trying, but it doesn't call the script. can somebody help me out: import daemon import…
Abhilash Kumar
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