Questions tagged [stagefright]

Stagefright is the android media framework. Use this tag for questions specific to stagefright framework. Also add android tag.

Stagefright is the android media framework. It replaced earlier opencore framework.

Use this tag for questions specific to stagefright framework. Also add tag.

154 questions
1 answer

Why AVCodecContext extradata is NULL?

I am trying to decode h264 video using ffmpeg and stagefright library. I'm using this example. The example shows how to decode mp4 files, but i want to decode only h264 video. Here is piece of my code.. AVFormatSource::AVFormatSource(const…
Arsen Davtyan
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Android libstagefright_h264 ff_get_buffer was not declared in this scope error

i am trying to built ffmpeg with decoder as libstagefright_h264, slightly modified the given script in ffmpeg to point to android source in local file system. When make, i get ff_get_buffer was not declared in this scope error. What is causing…
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H264 HW accelerated decoding in Android using stagefright library

I`m trying to decode h264 video using HW with Stagefright library. i have used an example in here. Im getting decoded data in MedaBuffer. For rendering MediaBuffer->data() i tried AwesomeLocalRenderer in AwesomePlayer.cpp. but picture in screen…
Arsen Davtyan
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2 answers

Android MusicPlayer uses Stagefright or opencore

I read that if media.stagefright.enable-player is set true then the device uses Stagefright. In my device's build.prop i see media.stagefright.enable-player = false When i tired below MediaPlayer mp = new…
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How to use libstagefright's MediaBuffer properly?

I: Create android::MediaBufferGroup; Fill it up with multiple buf_group.add_buffer(new android::MediaBuffer(bufsize)); on initialisation; Do buf_group->acquire_buffer(&buffer) when I need a buffer to send somewhere; Use buffer->data() to get actual…
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Demux .mp4 file using openmax and android stagefright

how can i demux .mp4 file and separate audio/video and then render individually using openmax and android stagefright. 1.If i have to implement all functions in jni file. 2.what if i use ffmpeg for demuxing,how it can be integrated with android…
Mayank Agarwal
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android MediaSource not recogonized as class in jni code

I am trying to use android ndk to develop simple decoder/player application.I created one project using android sdk and then i created a folder named jni in my project directory. Inside the jni directory i created one omx.cpp file and i want to…
Mayank Agarwal
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What is the raw data color format after android hardware decoding?

Are there a constant color format for hardware decoding or each different android device has its own color format? I want to get the raw data which result from hardware decoding and render it myself. Thanks.
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Using Stagefright to stream small audio files in Android

I have a lot of small .ogg sound files (average size of ~35-50KB) that I need to have played from my AWS S3, and then once played, they need to be cached on the device. There are approximately 200 sounds, and that is 1/10th of what the finished…
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can some one give some samples or resource above stagefright?

I am studying android recently,I want to decode TS stream with stagefright and want to know how stagefright deal with video file or stream,but I know little about stagefright.can some one give some samples ,project or resource above stagefright…
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Android 4.0 onwards OMX-IL HW Decoding from Native side

Is it possible to use Android native code and OMX-IL (maybe using stagefright even) for HW decoding in Android 4.1 onward (maybe you will suggest creating an instance of OMXCodec). But I want to do my own surface allocation and handling done from…
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3 answers

OMXCodec::onEvent -- OMX Bad Parameter

I have been trying to use OMXCodec through Stagefright. I have implemented the code for ICS version of Android.I have two classes CustomDataSource which derives MediaSource and another is CustomOmxCodec which calls OMXCodec::Create method and…
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1 answer error: undefined reference to 'typeinfo for android::MediaSource'

I cannot solve an issue while compiling my JNI source in android using ndk-build. The class which is causing error is as below: class MxDataSource : public MediaSource { public: MxdataSource(); virtual status_t start(MetaData…
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Android : java.lang.NoSuchField Exception for mSurface while trying use surface from native

I want to feed buffer of the surface from Native code. So I get the surface from SurfaceView's SurfaceHolder's getSurface method. Now all I want is to use it from the native to feed buffer to render image. I have included SurfaceClinger/Surface.h.…
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2 answers

Can i encode or decode video in Android using OpenCORE or StageFright?

Does this Android Frameworks give capabilities for develop encoding and decoding functions for one Android app? I know there is one high level API with 4.1 named MediaCodec which gives the capabilities for encoding and decoding video, but i dont…
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