Questions tagged [stackexchange.redis]

A high performance .NET redis client library

StackExchange.Redis is a high-performance redis client library for .NET and Mono applications, allowing massively concurrent usage from multiple threads (for example, on a busy web site). The library exposes synchronous, asynchronous and fire-and-forget APIs, allowing it to support a wide variety of use-cases. Additionally, the client supports internal management of connections to multiple servers, including both master/slave setups and redis "cluster". The entire set of redis functionality is included (including auto-resubscribe for pub/sub connections), with the exception of the blocking pop operations, which are not compatible with the multiplexer design.

The client was designed, created and released by the Stack Exchange development team, and is the redis client that drives the Stack Exchange Network (including Stack Overflow). It supersedes the BookSleeve client that Stack Exchange had been using previously


907 questions
1 answer

Redis sizing for Production

I have few queries regarding Redis Cluster setup: 1.Does redis support cross site replication ? When we start redis cluster,can we decide what will be the slave of each instance. 2.I need to store around 11 billion keys,with full persistance and…
1 answer

Set a zip file to redis cache

My problem is saving and reading a zip file to a Redis Cache database which located onAzure. I tried something with StackExchange.Redis but I did not managed it. Do you know any example or solution about that? My Code like that.For this code I am…
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Unable to find a default constructor to use for type Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures.Internal.DynamicViewData

I am getting this error when trying to Deserialize the string from the redis cache using Newtonsoft.Json. where HeaderTopViewComponent is model class of one of my view component "" like: …
2 answers

Replacing Windows Azure Cache with Redis Cache?

I am currently using Windows Azure Cache for caching, however I would like to use Redis cache. I tried removing the Windows Azure Caching package from my project and added the Redis caching packages, and configured appropriately. However this…
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Cannot connect to on-premises Redis Sentinel failover system with ASP.NET Redis SessionState Provider

I have an on-premises Redis environment set up with Sentinels for failover. I am attempting to use Redis as my SessionStateProvider within my MVC application. I have installed the Microsoft.Web.RedisSessionStateProvider NuGet package, and I have the…
Chris Bohatka
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1 answer

Azure Redis Cache - Need help on choosing MaxMemory-Reserved & MaxMemory-Policy

1) What is the ideal value to set for MaxMemory-Reserved configuration for different Redis tiers? Do we have any recommendation/guidance which we can refer to? 2) Which one from the following is better approach : ->Implement TTL for all the…
Pratik Mehta
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1 answer

How to initiate a Redis Connection in the background without awaiting

I want to initiate the Redis connection as a background task, so that the user need not await for the Redis connection to get established. If Redis connection is not setup or if Redis is unavailable then data shall be fetched from the source,…
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