Questions tagged [stackexchange.redis]

A high performance .NET redis client library

StackExchange.Redis is a high-performance redis client library for .NET and Mono applications, allowing massively concurrent usage from multiple threads (for example, on a busy web site). The library exposes synchronous, asynchronous and fire-and-forget APIs, allowing it to support a wide variety of use-cases. Additionally, the client supports internal management of connections to multiple servers, including both master/slave setups and redis "cluster". The entire set of redis functionality is included (including auto-resubscribe for pub/sub connections), with the exception of the blocking pop operations, which are not compatible with the multiplexer design.

The client was designed, created and released by the Stack Exchange development team, and is the redis client that drives the Stack Exchange Network (including Stack Overflow). It supersedes the BookSleeve client that Stack Exchange had been using previously


907 questions
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Azure Redis Cache: super slow List*Pop/Push operations

I'm working with StackExchange.Redis library, with ListLeftPush() and ListRightPop(). They are super slow. The same code on the standalone Redis is thousand times faster. Maybe the Azure Redis Cache is suboptimal for these operations? Somebody…
3 answers

What is the equivalent of Sets.GetAllString() from BookSleeve in StackExchange.Redis?

In BookSleeve there is a connection.Sets.GetAllString() method. What is the equivalent in StackExchange.Redis? Thanks!
Fabian Nicollier
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Redis sorted set for post-vote and user-reputation

I use Stackexchange.Redis in c# . How StackOverflow use sorted set to calculate the post-vote and user-reputation in Redis. How to use ZADD ,ZUNIONSTORE or ZINTERSTORE . How to use [WEIGHTS weight [weight ...]] [AGGREGATE SUM|MIN|MAX] parameter to…
Amir Movahedi
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Why does StackExchange.Redis frequently throw an "Unexpected response to EXEC: MultiBulk: 0" exception during transaction.ExecuteAsync()?

I tried debugging through the code and it seems to repro mainly when multiple clients are trying to modify the same key in a transaction. Retrying the transaction usually gets rid of the error, but is there any reason why the exception is thrown in…
1 answer

How to find Keys with specific member value?

I'm new in Redis and use Redis 2.8 with StackExchange.Redis Libarary. How can I write a KEYS pattern to get all keys with specific Hashed member value? As I use StackExchange.Redis and want to get Keys with a pattern like this (when username is a…
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StackExchange.Redis throws an exception on Connect when Thrown CLR Exceptions is Enabled

I'm using StackExchange.Redis, which works wonderfully. We use Redis as a fallback cache system and so the application doesn't actually require it to run. When we're working locally with our project, we like to enable the Thrown Common Language…
Grant H.
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Enterprise library transient fault handling together with StackExchange.Redis to connect to azure redis cache

I'm currently using MS Enterprise Library 6 Transient Fault Handling application block. I've provided an invalid RedisCacheKey to simulate service disruptions. Transient Fault handling var retryStrategy = new FixedInterval(3,…
Lee Gary
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1 answer

StackExchange.Redis deserialize hast to poco

I'm using StackExchange.Redis as my redis client and it works nicely. I store a number of values in a hash and currently do a manual mapping once I've got the the hash values out of the database var values = database.HashGetAll(myKey); Does anyone…
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StackExchange.Redis: one of Redis command not found

There is a command in Redis named "Keys", when given a pattern, you can get all the matching keys. But I can't find it in StackExchange.Redis. Could anybody kindly tell me where I can find this command in StackExchange.Redis?
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Manage 2 collections in redis using Sets and .Net client. Is this correct approach?

I'm trying to work/investigate redis for .NET area, I have an impression, that defined task is not best covered with Sets and redis itself (as I do have entity that I need to modify) - so maybe it's better to use some other approaches/ or redis…
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1 answer

How to create database in Redis

I am new to Redis and trying to create a new database. Also, How to write a connecting string to Redis database with Please somebody help me how to implement this.
1 answer

Await Task.WhenAll(BatchList) - Code continues before Redis Cache is updated

I am calling Redis with a batch request, though it seems that my code is continuing past the Await Task WhenAll statement before the cache has been updated. Am I awaiting the tasks in the wrong way? ClearKey($"ordersList:{apiAccount.Id}"); var list…
Holland Risley
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1 answer

Unable to resolve service for type 'ServiceStack.Redis.Generic.IRedisTypedClient in ASP.Net Core

I have ASP.Net Core 2.1 app. Need to use RedisCache as Cache. This is how my methods look to add an item to Cache. public class RedisCache : ICache //custom interface { #region Private private readonly IConfiguration…
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Redis Get String appears to be slow

I have written some test code to retrieve 1000 strings from my Redis cache. Obviously it is getting the same string in this test but it was written to see how long it would take to get these 1000 items. The test completes in 23 seconds, so that is…
Ian Munro
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1 answer

Redis timeout issue

I am getting timeout issue with redis. Following is the exception System.TimeoutException: Timeout performing EVAL, inst: 1, mgr: ProcessReadQueue, err: never, queue: 7, qu: 0, qs: 7, qc: 0, wr: 0, wq: 0, in: 507, ar: 1, clientName: EG-APP04,…
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