Questions tagged [ssml]

Speech Synthesis Markup Language(SSML) is a web standard for generating synthetic speech for voice-impaired users or device audio output.

SSML can be used to create software which integrates with voice services such as Skype to provide text-to-speech capabilities.

146 questions
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how to use prosody and interpret together (SSML)

I have a problem how to use in Twilio prosody and interpretAs code combined. As 2 speparate tags this works but encapsulation don't. Do you have any ideas how to do this slow peace and interpret as ? SsmlSayAs sayContactPhone = new…
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Twilio SSML Using Runtime Functions

I am trying to add SSML text using Say-verbs in Twilio Runtime functions. let twiml = new Twilio.twiml.VoiceResponse(); twiml.say('Hello World'); Above code results in encoded Text when rendered. Is there a way to…
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List of SSML tags and features supported with Google Actions

I'm trying to write a function that will generate a script read with SSML tags, and with elements of the script being inserted dynamically based on data pulled from the Twitter API. I can't find a list of SSML tags and features that Actions on…
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SSML code in Curl text to speech IBM Watson

I am trying to use IBM Watson Text to Speech because I need to get some audio file to insert in a video but I am not a developer, at all! Looking a the scarce tutorial provided on IBM cloud website, I figured out how to get the audio file using…
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Play audio after intent is invoked for Google Action

I need help understanding the way SSML works for google action. I would like a sound to be played when my intent is called something like so: function playAudio(assistant) { let text_to_speech = '' + 'I can play a sound' …
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Strage behaviour with texttospeech google api

I'm starting to know how to use google APIs modifying the python example code of the texttospeech API I found an issue, when I use ssml languaje in a txt file to pass the text to the API the resultant mp3 audio changed the character 'é' with the…
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Google Actions sdk not playing audio using ssml

I have tried to play small size audio using SSML, but the below code throws the error " expected_inputs[0].input_prompt.rich_initial_prompt.items[0].simple_response: 'display_text' must be set or 'ssml' must have a valid display rendering. " // See…
R Rajan
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How to use XSLT to convert a MathML file to SSML

I want to convert a MathML to speech. For this, I proposed to use XSLT which can convert an XML file to a text file which I can use to make an SSML file or an HTML file. So how am I supposed to do that?
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I'm having problems playing audio in DialogFlow( with SSML from webhook written in python

In my python webhook, I am returning JSON response as- { "speech":"Speak this", "ssml": , "displayText": "Expected text", "contextOut": [], "source": "" …
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Can you implement SSML globally in Dialogflow?

Is there a way to implement a SSML elements to all your intents within a Dialogflow agent? More specifically, I want to add a prosody rate of 108% globally but I don't want to have to go through 5 pages of intents and follow-up intents manually…
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What is the meaning of percentage change in the SSML prosody pitch attribute?

The SSML prosody element can take a value representing a relative change, which may be a percentage value (e.g. +50% or -30%). What should that be a percentage of? Is it the Hz value of the current pitch (so an octave interval (i.e. +12st) is the…
Paul Butcher
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Using the word 'alexa' in SSML audio

I have implemented a skill that plays short SSML audio clips. However, a few of the audio clips have alexa phrase suggestions in them. One of the clips includes the phrase 'alexa stop'. To my surprise it looks as if alexa 'listens' to itself in this…
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SSML phonemes work fine in Alexa service simulator but don't work on Echo hardware

I'm creating a simple Alexa skill and want to use SSML to pronounce some non-English words properly. While everything works fine in Amazon Service Simulator, I can't get it working on actual Amazon Echo hardware. For example, I'm sending following…
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How to Implement LPT (Longest Processing Time) Scheduling Algorithm function in SML

Suppose that we have a list with the processing time of some tasks,like this [13,8,7,6,4,2,2,1]. we want to divide this list into two list by LPT Scheduling is the algorithm procedure: with a given Descending sorted list like above,at…
1 answer

Invalid xml with ssml in C#

I am having a hard time trying to figure out how the xml is invalid for my ssml code within C#. Here is the line of code in C#: synth.SpeakSsml("< voice…
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