Questions tagged [sslerrorhandler]

Tag used by Android in Security Alert messages to developers. The Security Alert message is often accompanied with a Google-Play rejection. AOSP instructions state to tag a question with it.

Tag used by Android in Security Alert messages to developers. The Security Alert message is often accompanied with a Google-Play rejection. AOSP instructions state to tag a question with it.

26 questions
8 answers

Webview avoid security alert from google play upon implementation of onReceivedSslError

I have a link which will open in webview. The problem is it cannot be open until I override onReceivedSslError like this: @Override public void onReceivedSslError(WebView view, SslErrorHandler handler, SslError error) { …
2 answers

Google Play Warning: WebViewClient.onReceivedSslError handler

I got an email from Google with the following subject : Google Play Warning: SSL Error Handler Vulnerability". In this email, Google explains that my app has an ["unsafe implementation of the WebViewClient.onReceivedSslError handler" Here's my…
2 answers

Google Play Developer Console rejected My Application Update

I am trying to understand and fix why is my App rejected I know it's about SSL, but I can't seem to find which dependency is causing it. I am using the next setup: Android N (24) Fabric. MixPanel. Quickblox. Crashlytics Analytics. Any help would…
0 answers

PlayStore warning application due to SslErrorHandler

We develop an application with Cordova and Ionic 3, and after updating a new version of our app into the Play Store we got the following warning. Here follows a screenshot of the warning: We use as environment: cordova-android: 7.1.4 cordova-cli:…
1 answer

Why getting SslErrorHandler when uploading app in Google Play Store?

I have uploaded the release APK to Google Playstore, but it is always rejected because of SslErrorHandler. @Override public void onReceivedSslError(WebView view, final SslErrorHandler handler, SslError error) { final…
0 answers

Playstore rejects ionic (cordova) application due to SslErrorHandler

Apart from above I am using this plugin :- I recently tried to submit my ionic (cordova) application but it get rejected with below resons :- Vulnerability : SSL Error Handler For more information…
1 answer

Go back to previous screen on SslErrorHandler

So in my webview, I am showing an error dialog box for SSL security issues which Google had made compulsory. The code looks like below: @Override public void onReceivedSslError(WebView view, final SslErrorHandler handler, SslError…
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Google Play Error: SSL Error Handler vulnerabilities and APP UPDATE REJECTED

How to solve below mentioned error from google play store after apk rejected Your APK has been rejected for containing security vulnerabilities, which violates the Malicious Behavior policy SSL Error Handler
1 answer

SslErrorHandler.cancel() is not working when call manually in android

I am getting error in @Override public void onReceivedSslError(WebView view, final SslErrorHandler handler, SslError error) { } for handle this error i created a alert dialog with following code:- AlertDialog.Builder builder = new…
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What is the alternate for onReceivedSslError() in Webview?

I am working on app that will connect user with available open WIFIs by providing their landing pages (having login option) in the app. Google is showing alert for using onReceivedSslError() in WebView for loading Wifi's landing page in the app. If…
0 answers

SSL Connect error with NSS error -12263 for Client certificate

I have configured an SSL certificate which will be acting as a client certificate and connecting to a remote server on port 100 over SSL. In my apache config i have done the following configuration for SSL: SSLProxyEngine on SSLProxyVerify…
0 answers

Google play store rejected application due to SSL Error Handler code

HI All my Google PlayStore Reject my application because below code is in my application. check sakiM's answer. @Override public void onReceivedSslError(WebView view, final SslErrorHandler handler, SslError error) { final AlertDialog.Builder…
Mr X
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1 answer

Test onReceiveSSLError

I fixed the vulnerability with the implementation of the WebViewClient.onReceivedSslError handler in my Android project but I would like to know how can I test it. Previously my code was: @Override public void onReceivedSslError(WebView view,…
1 answer

Google Play app rejected - SSL Error Handler

Below is the message I get from Google Play. After I read the message, I take a look on Google Help Center article. For what I thought, this should be related to the class of WebViewClient and some of its methods like onReceivedSslError,…
0 answers

SSL Error on apache server

I have updated SSL certificate and private key in httpd.conf file when we are checking the URL I am getting error like cross symbol. When I click that symbol and click the details: It's showing error like: Issued: localhost localdomain Here is the…