Questions tagged [squid]

Squid is an open-source HTTP caching proxy server.

Squid is one of the best known open source HTTP proxy servers. Its features include caching of HTTP objects, URL rewriting (via helper apps), authentication, and SSL. It came out of an NSF-funded project in the early 1990s researching caching technologies.

Other similar software packages include NGINX, Apache's mod_proxy, Apache Traffic Server, and Varnish.

Squid's homepage:

820 questions
3 answers

Execute a python script from web browser

I have a Linux proxy server (RaspberryPi-3) running on squid. I want to start the squid service using an HTML button on its webpage. With this button, I'm trying to execute a python program to start the squid service: #!/usr/bin/env python import…
1 answer

Web-page redirection

I am trying to achieve the following: when a user types "print" (or "http://print") in the address-bar of the browser : I want the user to be re-directed to a page : How can one achieve this ? I tried to lookup some squid…
Ricko M
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1 answer

There is any way to redirect an url to localhost:443?

There is any way to redirect the address "" to "localhost:443" using squid or iptables? The idea is: when the client connects to the squid and tries to connect to it connects to localhost:443
1 answer

How to block HTTP requests initiated from Java clients on Squid proxy server?

I have deployed Squid Server 3.5.27 on Windows Server 2008 R2. I have one Windows 7 machine pointing to my Squid server which is acting as a proxy. Any browser based request initiated from the Windows7 machine is hitting my proxy server. Once hit,…
amit joshi
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1 answer

OpenVPN: Route SquidProxy

I am trying to setup a public squid proxy that routes it's traffic via a VPN server elsewhere in the world. It's running inside a docker container on a VPS host. Using the default settings with push gateway, I can access the squidproxy on the VPS…
Matt H.
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1 answer

Cisco vpn client over squid

I have installed squid server like transparent proxy(in subnet 192.168.1.x). All users use squid to access to the internet from subnet 192.168.2.x. From user subnet I want connect via Cisco vpn client to VPN. As I read from internet, squid can't…
Ruslan Aliev
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1 answer

Using Squid and/or iptables to share ip address over a bridge

Edited for additional clarity and added links to other attempted solutions. I have been attempting this for several days now with one other developer, and we are getting nowhere and there are a number of comments on-line about how there are no…
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1 answer

Cannot connect to proxy on Google Compute Engine

I have a Java Google App Engine webapp, which I am trying to connect to a Google Compute Engine instance running a Squid proxy. However it does not seem that the connection is working at all. Can anyone advise? What I've done: Set up a GCE f1 micro…
1 answer

Why know my IP address even though I had used a proxy?

I am using my own squid proxy server,when I check my ip address on, it show the ip address of my proxy server. But, when I check on, I found that they can track my client IP. Is there any ways to prevent my real IP being…
hk hkg
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1 answer

Configure squid to handle relative urls

I built and installed squid 3.5.23 as follows: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/squid make all make install Here is the default squid.conf used by the version. I made minimal modifications to to the file to make my setup anonymous: forwarded_for…
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1 answer

Proxy server client detection in Linux

Is there any way to find out the clients connected to the proxy server in redhat linux ? squid is configured in the server and i need the host name of the machines connected to the proxy server ?
1 answer

List windows domain group content from linux

I'd like to list the contents of domain group containing users & computers, then resolve the computer names from dns and prepare list for squid. What is the best way to do it? I was thinking about connect to ldap using bash or perl, but maybe there…
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1 answer

How do I configure squid proxy and greasyspoon ICAP server to access the user_id

We are using squid proxy along with the GreasySpoon ICAP server to modify responses for development purposes. We have a need to allow different developers to have different modifications to the responses because they are working on things relevant…
Carl G
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1 answer

Squid with mysql

I want to setup squid like all users and groups / acl are fetch from mysql database in centos 6.5. I tried a lot but I did not find any package or method to setup it. Username, passwords and acl are dynamically change and based on changes squid has…
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2 answers

Mysql Date Format convert

I want to sub string date from [09/Jul/2014:16:12:58 +0530] and want to feed it to Date type Field. My complete query is like this insert into SquidLog (LocalIP,AccessDateTime,Url,HttpAccessCode,BytesAccessed,DestinationIP, …
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