Questions tagged [sqlline]

SQLLine is a pure-Java console-based utility for connecting to relational databases and executing SQL commands. It is similar to other command-line database access utilities like sqlplus for Oracle, mysql for MySQL, and isql for Sybase/SQL Server. Since it is pure-Java, it is platform independent and will run on any platform that can run Java 1.3 or higher.

SQLLine is a pure-Java console-based utility for connecting to relational databases and executing SQL commands. It is similar to other command-line database access utilities like sqlplus for Oracle, mysql for MySQL, and isql for Sybase/SQL Server. Since it is pure-Java, it is platform independent and will run on any platform that can run Java 1.3 or higher.

The simplest method for installing SQLLine in a platform independant way is as follows:

  1. Create a new directory/folder where you like. This will be referred to as sqllinedir.

  2. Download sqlline.jar into sqllinedir.

  3. Download the latest jline.jar from into sqllinedir.

  4. Download your database's JDBC driver files into sqllinedir. Note that some JDBC drivers require some installation, such as uncompressing or unzipping.

For various commands, you may refer

29 questions
3 answers

Can not read large data from phoenix table

Hi All i am getting below error message while running phoenix count query on a large table. 0: jdbc:phoenix:hadoopm1:2181> select Count(*) from PJM_DATASET; +------------+ | COUNT(1) | +------------+ java.lang.RuntimeException:…
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0 answers

Apache Phoenix unable to create schema

I am using Apache Phoenix and trying to create schema. Following are the versions used (psuedo-distributed installation) Hadoop - 2.6.4 Hbase - 1.1.2 Phoenix - 4.7.0 Sqlline - 1.1.8 Zookeper- 3.4.6 (Hbase default/ managed) I am ale to create…
Ekansh Rastogi
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1 answer

Phoenix sqlline can not query system table SYSTEM.FUNCTION

I know Apache Phoenix will store all function metadata in SYSTEM.FUNCTION, but when I perform the query use following statement it will throw exception. 0: jdbc:phoenix:> select * from SYSTEM.FUNCTION; Error: ERROR 604 (42P00):…
Jeffy Zhang
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2 answers

Apache Drill > sqlline: how to run a sql script containing variable

I am a newbie of Apache Drill, and I need to run a SQL script through sqlline. In most SQL client, it is allowed to use some variables in sqlline, so hereby I would like to ask that is it possible to use variables in sqlline of Apache Drill?
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Composite key in Ignite

I've created a Ignite table via defining two columns as primary key (PK). When I tried to insert the data its failing with duplicate key error. PK defined on type and id column. 0: jdbc:ignite:thin://> insert into balance…
1 answer

How to do you insert array typeof data into apche ignite

I am trying to create a table with array data type in apache ignite using following query. create table test(id int,word varchar,vector array,primary key(id)); with this above query i am able to create a table test. 0 :…
1 answer

Phoenix alter table add column fails

I am trying to add a column to an existing phoenix table using alter table command as below ALTER TABLE TABLE1 ADD "db_name" VARCHAR(20); Its failing with below warning WARN query.ConnectionQueryServicesImpl: Unable to update meta data repo within…
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1 answer

Integrating Apache Cassandra with Apache Ignite

I'm trying to integrate Apache Ignite with Apache Cassandra(3.11.2) as I want to use Ignite to cache the data present in my already existing Cassandra database. After going through the online resources, I've done the following till now: Downloaded…
Vishal Sharma
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1 answer

Cant connect Phoenix to Hbase using sqlline

I am using Hbase 1.2.6, phoenix-4.13.1-HBase-1.2, hadoop 2.9.0, in pseudo distributed setup. I can create tables in hbase shell, and I want to use phoenix to read those tables. I get the following error when running '…
1 answer

No known driver to handle "jdbc:calcite:model=druid/src/test/resources/druid-wiki-model.json

I am trying to run calcite and sqlline with druid. I downloaded the ZIP from calcite downloads website and put it inside the druid folder. When i try to run sqlline command !connect jdbc:calcite:model=druid/src/test/resources/druid-wiki-model.json…
Akshat G
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2 answers

hbase.DoNotRetryIOException while reading using phoenix?

Hbase Version : 1.1.3 Phoenix Version : 4.7.0 After upserting the data I was able to read the data from Hbase using phoenix. After restarting the cluster I'm getting the following error Sqlline log 0: jdbc:phoenix:localhost> select count(*) from…
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1 answer

Apache Phoenix client not able to connect with remote hbase server via Zookeper

I have a problem connecting an Apache Phoenix JDBC client (I'm using for test purposes) to my Hbase, from any remote computer. The way I'm testing is the following: I ssh to another machine running linux and then try to connect to my…
Christian Wirth
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1 answer

Create a key value table using apache ignite sqlline

I am trying to make a table using apache ignite 2.9.1 sqlline option. It's value part should have collection of generic key value pairs. It is very important. I want to create following type table I want to know , can I do this using using apache…
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2 answers

Creating Table in Ignite using sqlline

I am new to Ignite and trying to setup ignite in my MacOs. Then want to create one table in Ignite using sqline.I am using fallowing Steps. 1.Ignite Download: 2. Set Ignite Path. export IGNITE_HOME=“/Users/username/apps/ …
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0 answers

apache drill: "no current connection" error and "could not find or load main class sqlline.sqlline" error

I am using JDK: and Drill: 1.18.0 on m1 Mac. I cannot start drill downloaded from directly. It says could not find or load main class sqlline.sqlline. So I refer to…
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