Questions tagged [sql-server-performance]

49 questions
1 answer

What is the fastest approach to populate MS SQL Database with large amount of data

Dilemma: I am about to perform population of data on MS SQL Server (2012 Dev Edition). Data is based on production data. Amount is around 4TB (around 250 million items). Purpose: To test performance on full text search and on regular index as well.…
1 answer

Passing multiple tables from stored procedure performance

If we pull multiple tables from stored procedure instead of procedure per table, how it will affect Sql Server's performance?
1 answer

CPU utilization constant 99% for SQL SERVER on vmware virtual machine

I configure sql server 2014 on a VMware virtual machine . The issues is that all the time cpu utilization is 99% and that effect the web application and it become super slow to load the page. I increase the cores in VMware for this virtual machine…
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execution of stored procedure taking long time when ever returning row count hig

I have a stored procedure like this: ALTER procedure [dbo].[IBS_fetchreleasedinpodiumgridnew] @locid INTEGER = NULL AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @TodayMinus7Days DATETIME SET @TodayMinus7Days = getdate()-7 SELECT …
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