Questions tagged [sql-server-performance]

49 questions
1 answer

Why should I have to rebuild index which is having less than Avg. fragmentation is less than 1% to get performance?

Why should I have to rebuild index which is having less than Avg. fragmentation is less than 1% to get performance? I have a table which used to update frequently,but when I see in depth and check for avg. fragmentation,which is used to less than 1…
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How to optimize the query which is taking too much time

In this query, i am calling a function "fnGetPoolWinner" in the below query 2-3 times, which i think slows down its performance or multiple case statements is the reason. It takes time around 00:01:39. I have tried options like creating…
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upgrade sql server 2008r2 to 2016 performance issues

Does anyone have experience upgrading from SQL Server 2008R2 to 2016? Our system was running fine on 2008R2 but after upgrading to 2016 we are experiencing high tempdb contention. We see a large amount of blocking on PAGELATCH_SH waits for tempdb…
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SQL: Inner join which its WHERE clause contains CHARINDEX() - Improve performence

I'm have two tables: A and B, each of them contains strings. I need to find all the matches between table A and table B when the string of table A contains the string of table B (B.stringColumn is substring of A.stringColumn). I did it by the…
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Large data sets and sql server

I have some devices which will log data to table each seconds.Each device will have 16 records per second, As the number of devices grow large the table will have billions of records, Now I’m using sql server, some times a simple record count query…
Shijith MC
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SQL Server 2012 - 100% CPU until cold reboot

We have a SQL Server 2012 with database mirroring: 2 Windows Server 2012 R2 (SQL Server) + 1 Windows 7 witness + 2 Windows Server 2012 R2 (IIS) working with NLB The server processor: Intel Xeon CPU E5-2609 v2 RAM : 16GB In the testing, the…
4 answers

Is NHibernate generated SQL slower than handwritten statements in SP nowadays?

I wonder about the general performance with insertions/updates/deletes in a sql server 2012 db, with data amounts sometimes reaching 20 m. rows in a table. Can I trust NHibernate in generating optimal queries?
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SQL performance

I have replaced my old processor with a Xeon processor . I don't have hyper threading. My old processor had hyperthreading and was working fine. I have SQL server 2012 standard edition installed. I have one single SQL server instance on the server,…
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How to reduce opencart page load time?

My opencart products page is taking too much time to load, I tried to optimize query and database but it didn't work for me. I tested my page from pingdom page test. It takes more than 15 sec. I query fetch more than 300 records this might be a…
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performance issue with sp large parameters in

The customer sends us a large message (e.g. xml message) and we need to save it into the database. What we found is that when the message becomes larger, the time to pass the parameter to sp belongs long. One message is around 500kb and we need to…
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SQL Server denormalization question - store user data in 1,3, or 21 tables?

A section of our web site calls for asking the user 20 multiple-choice questions about themselves (a "profile"). This part of the web site will be frequently viewed, and occasionally updated. The web site is expected to develop a high amount of…
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Are there any way to extract unique signatures from SQL server 2014 trace file?

I am capturing tuning trace via SQL server 2014 profiler Since my game is pretty active the file gets GBs in few minutes However there are so many duplicate queries So i want to extract unique signatures out of it So my question is how can i do it…
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Query Performance Paradox: Unique Clustered vs Non-Unique Non-Clustered Index

I have a table MY_TABLE with approximately 9 million rows. There are in total of 38 columns in this table. The columns that are relevant to my question are: RECORD_ID: identity, bigint, with unique clustered index RECORD_CREATED: datetime, with…
3 answers

Massive table in SQL 2005 database needs better performance!

I am working on a data driven web application that uses a SQL 2005 (standard edition) database. One of the tables is rather large (8 million+ rows large with about 30 columns). The size of the table obviously effects the performance of the website…
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How to improve large table paging speed in SQL Server 2008

I have a table called Users with 10 million records in it. This is the table structure: CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Users]( [UsersID] [int] IDENTITY(100000,1) NOT NULL, [LoginUsersName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL, [LoginUsersPwd] [nvarchar](50) NOT…
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