Questions tagged [sql-server-2019-express]

17 questions
4 answers

SQL Server® 2016, 2017 and 2019 Express full download

All previous version of SQL Server Express were available in both web and full downloads. But I cannot find full download of SQL Server® 2016 Express. Does it exist? Asked the same question on MSDN forums, not much luck:…
2 answers

Quiet (unattended) install of SQL Server Express LocalDb 2019

With SQL Server Express LocalDb 2012 (Microsoft MSI download) it was possible to do an unattended install from a command line: msiexec /i SqlLocalDB.msi /qn IACCEPTSQLLOCALDBLICENSETERMS=YES This works pretty stable for me on various versions of…
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Unable to connect to (localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB - Due to trigger execution

I have a SQL Server Express instance on my machine that had been working fine and I have no idea what changed. I get this error now: Logon failed for login 'myusername' due to trigger execution. Changed database context to 'master'. I have tried…
2 answers

Update Trigger not using date in where clause causing all records with same key id to be updated instead of just the ones with the current date

I have an inventory tracking application that I am also tracking inventory changes for each location. Inventory items can be in multiple locations. This is accomplished by having a tracking database and using a trigger on my inventory table. The…
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1 answer

How to add full-text search to SQL Server Express 2019 installation

I have a local installation of Microsoft SQL Server Express 2019 and just hit the following error: Full-Text Search is not installed, or a full-text component cannot be loaded. So, my understanding is the SQL Server Express supports full-text…
1 answer

Command Line: Create SQL Instance With SQL Server Authentication Login Only

My goal is to quietly install SQL Server 2019 Express via command prompt. Here is the script I have come up with to customize the install (note SETUP.exe is the SQL Server Express installation file): SETUP.exe /Q /IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS…
1 answer

Single user restrictions even if nobody's connected

When using SQL Server Management Studio I try to query a DB created with "Single user" restrictions. I log in by using SQL Credentials and "sa" user and by running sp_who2 command I double check nobody is connected to the DB, nevertheless when…
1 answer

Get rows of Last hour, Last 'x' minutes in SQL Server

Order ID Picker ID Time_Picked 1 111 2020-01-13 11:28:00 2 222 2020-01-13 11:40:00 3 333 2020-01-13 10:00:00 4 444 2020-01-13 9:00:00 5 555 2020-01-13 9:45:00 SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE Time_picked BETWEEN DATEADD(HOUR,…
1 answer

Cannot start SQL server Agent on windows 10

I'm trying to start SQL server Agent on windows 10, I'm getting following error. - SQL server Agent have installed with SQL express - custom installation Following things which I tried to resolve this issue with no luck. :( Change Built in…
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SQL Server : performance in stored procedure

I am a newbie within performance optimization in SQL Server. But I have a problem with a stored procedure which takes nearly 2 hours to execute - I think it is a long time. It is about 100000 records it has to iterate through and I have used…
0 answers

SQL Server 2019 Polybase error - cant create External Data Source to SQL Server 2019

I am trying to setup an external data source in SQL Server 2019 to another database on the same server. I am doing this to replicate the SQL Azure setup currently running in production. I tried the following to set it up I installed SQL Server 2019…
0 answers

The Collation specified by SQL Server is not supported. (Microsoft SQL Server 2019)

The Collation specified by SQL Server is not supported. (Microsoft SQL Server) Could anyone help with this ?
1 answer

.NET Core 3.1 application with SQL Server 2019 Express multiple databases support with main database for authentication

I'm building a web application with .NET Core 3.1 and Angular 9. I would like to know if it is possible to use the internal .NET Core authentication / authorization mechanism to connect to an "authorization" database and based on the credentials…
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How to check every row/column in a table and log all the errors found in SQL Server?

I need help on how to code this in SQL Server 2019 Express. I have a flat file that I BULK INSERT into a temporary table. What I wanted to do is on how to log every verification/invalid data on each row/column to another table which is the…
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1 answer

How to get the first and the last value in a column per each sequence with the same value

I would like to get the first and the last value in the column Status1 of each sequence of the same value! This is an example of my table: time Status1 Eficiencia Lote ---------------------------------------------------- 2020…