Questions tagged [spring-ldap]

Spring LDAP is a Java library for simplifying LDAP operations, based on the pattern of Spring's JdbcTemplate. The framework relieves the user of common chores, such as looking up and closing contexts, looping through results, encoding/decoding values and filters, and more.

Spring LDAP is a Java library for simplifying LDAP operations, based on the pattern of Spring's JdbcTemplate. The framework relieves the user of common chores, such as looking up and closing contexts, looping through results, encoding/decoding values and filters, and more.

The LdapTemplate class encapsulates all the plumbing work involved in traditional LDAP programming, such as creating a DirContext, looping through NamingEnumerations, handling exceptions and cleaning up resources. This leaves the programmer to handle the important stuff - where to find data (DNs and Filters) and what do do with it (map to and from domain objects, bind, modify, unbind, etc.), in the same way that JdbcTemplate relieves the programmer of all but the actual SQL and how the data maps to the domain model.

In addition to this, Spring LDAP provides transaction support, a pooling library, integration with Spring Data, fluent DSL support, an Object-Directory Mapping (ODM) framework, an LDIF parsing library with Spring Batch integration, exception translation from NamingExceptions to a mirrored unchecked Exception hierarchy, as well as several utilities for working with filters, LDAP paths and Attributes.

Official Website:

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612 questions
2 answers

How to Authenticate a user from a LDAP directory with his username and password?

I am new to LDAP API. I am able to connect to a LDAP server and search the user. How would I authenticate a user with username/password using LDAP API? I don't see any authenticate method on DirContext. To Authenticate a user Do I have to: Pass…
Himanshu Yadav
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Spring LDAP transactional manager

I have a confusing scenario regarding transaction rollbacks with Spring. I am successfully creating a new user, adding it to a group and assigning a role, however when I try to test the transaction rollback for exceptions such as "User already…
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1 answer

LDAP CRUD with Spring Roo

Currently making up system with Spring Roo. Can login with LDAP Server with Spring Security. But can't understand how to configure LDAP CRUD with Spring Roo. Roo automatically generates MVC. From here, I think have to modify contoller,…
1 answer

javax.naming.NotContextException for Custom LdapContextSource implementation on tomcat

I am using Spring-ldap connection pooling and a custom implementation for the contextSource for connecting using Oracle Internet Directory APIs. This works when testing standalone on eclipse. However it fails with "Not an instance of DirContext"…
1 answer

Getting a termination after adding Springs LDAP-Core

I built a simple app with Spring Boot. package Test; import org.springframework.boot.*; import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.*; import org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.*; @SpringBootApplication @EnableScheduling public…
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How to query ldap to obtain user information as ldap objects not as a String

I find it strange that on querying ldap, it returns the information in LDIF form(hopefully am right about this inference) which is fine, but the information is returned as String object instead of a (some) ldap object (like user, name or group etc).…
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Ldap Deletion of User deletes Entry in Group uniqueMember

i am deleting a user in Tivoli ldap using spring ldaptemplate -> ldaptemplate.unbind(). When i delete a user its DN automatically gets deleted from uniqueMember of Groups. Can someone tell me how and why this scenario happens? I try to create a…
1 answer

Checking LDAP Connectivity CAS 3.4.12

I have a CAS 3.4.12 set up integrated with LDAP. Everything works great but if the LDAP or AD server goes down then CAS server throws exception and displays CAS is unavailable exception. What I am trying to do is that I want to check during the…
1 answer

How to generate octet string in Java?

I want to set password in active directory using using java/spring ldap api. AD schema for attribut userPassword says Octet string. How can I generate any password to octet string ? If I have password "tempPassword" - how can I convert to octet…
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Spring-LDAP too strict because of JDNI implementation

Gooday, Im having a rather bizarre problem with Spring-LDAP what in its essence seems more a JSNI problem then a Spring problem. The Problem: I have the following LDAP structure: dc=company,dc=com,dc=productname |-o=TESTORG1 | …
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How to use ldap authentication with grails 2.2.1

How to connect grails application with LDAP server running on localhost? How to authenticate a user using ldap? i am using grails version 2.2.1
Sarath Kn
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1 answer

How can I store user details into database after LDAP successful login?

I'm working on a Spring Boot application and I need to make it secure by adding LDAP authentication. The authentication process based on LDAPusername/password is working, but I'm having a hard time in getting user data (username, full name, etc.)…
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