Questions tagged [spotify]

Spotify is a streaming music service for multiple platforms. This tag covers Spotify's various developer libraries and public APIs, including Web API, mobile SDKs, and Web Playback SDK.

The Spotify Platform allows developers to integrate Spotify in their applications using Spotify's Web API, iOS SDK, Android SDK, and Web Playback SDK. Read more about these and other tools on the Spotify for Developers website.

What Questions should I ask?

Questions using this tag should be about how to use one of these platforms. You may find that in some cases, a question that arises whilst developing for these platforms is not Spotify specific; e.g. a common JavaScript question whilst creating a Spotify Web API Application, or an Android question whilst using the Android SDK. In these cases, you should tag your question with the or tag instead.



The Web API provides developers with an interface to query Spotify's extensive music catalogue through a REST interface, using OAuth 2.0 for authentication.

Useful Resources

Web Playback SDK

The Spotify Web Playback SDK makes it possible to add audio streaming to your website. You can use it in conjunction with the Spotify Web API to build rich applications on top of the Spotify platform.

Useful Resources


The Spotify iOS SDK makes it easy to add audio streaming, playlist manipulation, metadata lookup and other Spotify features to iOS apps.

Useful Resources

Android SDK

Similarly to the iOS SDK, the Spotify Android SDK enables developers to do things like music playback, playlist manipulation, and metadata lookup.

Useful Resources

libspotify [DEPRECATED]

This C library allows third-party developers to write applications that utilize the Spotify music streaming service. Please note that this library is considered deprecated.

3397 questions
2 answers

Setting tokens in Spotify iOS app disables login callback

I am trying to set up the login for my iOS app using Spotify's SDK. I have the login working, but only without tokens. Once I add these two lines of code: SPTAuth.defaultInstance().tokenSwapURL = NSURL(string:…
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1 answer

How to pick an event listener that will let me wait until async.times is finished to run a function

I'm using a node.js server, the Spotify API, and the spotify-web-api-js node module to create a web application where the user can enter an artist's name, see a list of songs from related artists, and then optionally save that playlist to their own…
3 answers

How does the Spotify web browser button interact with the Spotify app?

Check out this play button, written entirely it seems, using javascript: spotify play button. Notice that pressing play will cause Spotify to start playing music. OK, I figure that's done via some app-specific protocol link (like spotify://play),…
Greg Slepak
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3 answers

Starting a Song from Spotify Intent

Is there anyway to start a Spotify Track from its URI ? I've tried the following approaches but none of them work. When Spotify opens, it always lands in the Playlists page, instead of the track's player. String spotifyTrackURI =…
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1 answer

Get current song playing in Spotify on iPhone

Accessing the MPMusicPlayerController.systemMusicPlayer() (code below) works for getting track info for what's playing in the Apple Music app, but is there a way we can access information of the current song playing in the Spotify app? This code…
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1 answer

Spotify Callback URI error

I'm working on my first app using ruby on rails and have run into a few problems when I deploy to Heroku. When I sign into Spotify on my app I get an error saying: INVALID_CLIENT: Invalid redirect URI in my console the error reads: Failed to load…
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3 answers

Using libspotify .dll/.lib files in MinGW32 compiling pySpotify

Using MinGW32 on a Windows PC I am trying to compile pySpotify. The first error was that libspotify/api.h was missing. I fixed this by copying the appropriate folder from libspotify into C:\MinGW\include. However now dllwrap is now failing with ld…
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1 answer

How can I get an access token Spotify API?

I've been looking at the Spotify api for a few days now and example source code and I still can't figure out how to get an access token to access a user's playlist data. I've gotten to the point where I pull up the login window, the user logs in,…
Ashwin Gupta
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3 answers


I am currently working on an android app which is implementing the Spotify API. I have all of the code connecting my app to spotify using the tutorial and have been working on my app for sometime now. When I play a song through my app after…
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2 answers

How Can I increase the expiry time of Spotify token?

Please advice how can I increase token expiry time While fetching data using spotify web API ""
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4 answers

"415 Error" when querying Spotify for tokens

I've been trying to recreate the spotify oauth connection in MeteorJS. I've gotten as far as requesting the access and refresh tokens, but I keep getting a 415 error now. Here is the relevant code: var results = …
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How is it possible to know what's spotify is playing from an external Android app?

I just found out this settings option in Spotify for Android settings screen: "Device broadcast status - allow other apps on your device to see what you are listening to" I guess that means any other app can access what's being played via…
Romain Piel
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3 answers

Controlling Spotify with AppleScript

Essentially what I'd like to do is play an entire album via AppleScript. Right now, you can use their special URIs to load the album, but not play it. You can also play a specific track, but once that finishes playing, your queue resumes what was…
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2 answers

How to 10 second forward or backward in Spotify player

I am trying to add(move forward) 10 second song duration or minus(move backward) 10 second in Spotify player but i am really confused how to add or minus. When i m trying to use this code the song is not changed duration // forward button action…
4 answers

Getting data from Spotify app (Windows/Mac)

How to get data such as that is music playing, tilte, artist from the app (Windows/Mac). There is a option with using Web API but I tested Musixmatch app and it works even when I am offline so connecting to the app is possible somehow.
Mateusz Kaflowski
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