Questions tagged [splay-tree]

A splay tree is a self-adjusting binary search tree with excellent amortized performance.

64 questions
2 answers

Difference between AVL trees and splay trees

I am studying about various trees, and came across AVL trees and splay trees. I want to know What is difference between AVL trees and splay trees? On what basis do we select these tress? What are positive's and negative's of these trees? What are…
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2 answers

Is std::map allowed to re-balance after read-only operations (like a Splay tree)

Some binary tree data structures (such as Splay trees) will re-balance on reads to move recently accessed items toward the root, such that the subsequent look-up time may be reduced. Are the standard containers (std::map, std::set) allowed to do…
Darren Engwirda
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1 answer

amortized cost of splay tree : cost + P(tf) - P(ti) ≤ 3(rankf(x) - ranki(x)) explanation

While reading about splay trees I found some expression about the rank of the splay node 'X' and the amortized cost in wikipedia. It is given as, { We can bound the amortized cost of any zig-zig or zig-zag operation by: amortized cost = cost + P(tf)…
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1 answer

Intuition behind splay tree (self balancing trees)

I am reading the basics of splay trees. The amortized cost of an operation is O(log n) over n operations. Some rough basic idea is that when you access a node, you splay it i.e. you take it to root so next time this is quickly accessed and also if…
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3 answers

How can I implement a splay tree that performs the zig operation last, not first?

For my Algorithms & Data Structures class, I've been tasked with implementing a splay tree in Haskell. My algorithm for the splay operation is as follows: If the node to be splayed is the root, the unaltered tree is returned. If the node to be…
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1 answer

A sequence that forms the same AVL and splay trees?

Is there such a sequence of numbers (1-7, all numbers used, only once each), that would form equal AVL and splay tree?
1 answer

ZigZag and ZigZig operation in splay tree?

consider my tree is like this 5 / \ 3 7 / \ / \ 2 4 6 8 in that, when we search a element 2 that time zigzig operation will be performed, so first we rotate the parent…
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3 answers

Splay tree insertion

Going through some excercises to hone my binary tree skills, I decided to implement a splay tree, as outlined in Wikipedia: Splay tree. One thing I'm not getting is the part about insertion. It says: First, we search x in the splay tree. If x does…
Lasse V. Karlsen
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3 answers

Why are persistent splay trees particularly useful in functional programming?

On the Splay Trees Wikipedia page it is said (in the Advantages section): Possibility of creating a persistent data structure version of splay trees—which allows access to both the previous and new versions after an update. This can be useful in…
Iulius Curt
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0 answers

How to manipulate a string (move substring to other part of string) in O(log n) using a rope or an order statistics splay tree

Two weeks ago I've finished an implementation of a splay tree that allows basic functions, like insert, delete, find key and and obtain the sum of a range of elements of the three. You can find this implementation here as reference for this question…
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Is there any faster implementation for this Splay Tree range sum?

I have coded a splay tree. The nodes are represented like this. struct Node{ Node *l; /// The left Node Node *r; /// The right Node int v; /// The Value }; Now, I need to know the summation of all the numbers in the tree within a…
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2 answers

What is the Difference between Bottom-up and Top down methods in splay tree?

I have read about Splay tree and I found,there are two methods for constructing the splay tree. They are Bottom-up Top-down So I need to know What is the difference between the two methods and their working ?
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1 answer

When I traverse in the splay tree, then now which one is root?

I had a doubt when we are using a splay tree, the last accessed element will come to the root node. consider my tree is 5 / \ 3 7 / \ / \ 2 4 6 …
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2 answers

Recursive Splay Tree

I am trying to implement a recursive splay tree, bottom up. I recurse down to the node I am need to splay up, and I find the parent and grandparent of that node. Then I am able to either zig zag or zig zig depending on the situation just fine. The…
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0 answers

Determining if a binary search tree can be constructed by a sequence of splay tree insertions

A splay tree is a type of self-adjusting binary search tree. Inserting a node into a splay tree involves inserting it as a leaf in the binary search tree, then bringing that node up to the root via a "splay" operation. Let us say a binary search…
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