Questions tagged [sparse-checkout]

A working copy of version controlled code which doesn't include the whole repository.

102 questions
20 answers

How do I clone a subdirectory only of a Git repository?

I have my Git repository which, at the root, has two sub directories: /finisht /static When this was in SVN, /finisht was checked out in one place, while /static was checked out elsewhere, like so: svn co…
Nick Sergeant
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21 answers

How to sparsely checkout only one single file from a git repository?

How do I checkout just one file from a git repo?
Arthur Ulfeldt
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23 answers

Retrieve a single file from a repository

What is the most efficient mechanism (in respect to data transferred and disk space used) to get the contents of a single file from a remote git repository? So far I've managed to come up with: git clone --no-checkout --depth 1…
9 answers

How to git reset --hard a subdirectory?

UPDATE²: With Git 2.23 (August 2019), there's a new command git restore that does this, see the accepted answer. UPDATE: This will work more intuitively as of Git 1.8.3, see my own answer. Imagine the following use case: I want to get rid of all…
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9 answers

Checkout subdirectories in Git?

Is it possible to check out subdirectories of a repository in Git? Imagine I am setting up a new WordPress installation. I will create two new directories for my plugin and theme customization: wordpress/wp-content/plugins/myplugins/…
Annika Backstrom
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7 answers

Can you do a partial checkout with Subversion?

If I had 20 directories under trunk/ with lots of files in each and only needed 3 of those directories, would it be possible to do a Subversion checkout with only those 3 directories under trunk?
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7 answers

Sparse checkout in Git 1.7.0?

With the new sparse checkout feature in Git 1.7.0, is it possible to just get the contents of a subdirectory like how you can in SVN? I found this example, but it preserves the full directory structure. Imagine that I just wanted the contents of the…
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3 answers

Jenkins and Git sparse checkouts

I have a large repository in Git. How do I create a job in Jenkins that checks out just one sub-folder from the project?
Pavel Chuchuva
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5 answers

Change depth in existing SVN working copy without redownloading

I have a working copy of an entire SVN repository, but I want to change it into a sparse working copy because of disk space issues. One way to do this would be: svn up --set-depth immediates projects svn up --set-depth infinity projects/project1 svn…
Bart van Heukelom
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6 answers

Cloning only a subdirectory with git

I have a git repository that includes subdirectories. Example dirA/dirB. Is there any way to do a git clone on a Unix server to pull only files from a subdirectory (dirB)? Is there some other git command other than clone that will do this? How do I…
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2 answers

TortoiseSVN: Adding additional files after using SVN Checkout dialog "Only this item" option

Our department is planning on using the "SVN Checkout" option within Tortoise SVN. In that dialog, we select the "Only this item" option and then we click the "Choose items" button and choose all the relevant files we want to check-out. Let's…
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6 answers

github/git Checkout Returns 'error: invalid path' on Windows

When I attempt to checkout a repository from github I get the error: error: invalid path 'configs/perl-modules/DIST.64/perl-HTML-Tree-1:5.03-1.el6.noarch.rpm' I suspect the issue is that the path contains a : which is illegal on Windows. After…
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3 answers

Set Git submodule to shallow clone & sparse checkout?

Many vendor Objective-C libraries (e.g., facebook-ios-sdk) instruct you to copy a certain subset of its repo's files/dirs into your Xcode project. One problem with this is then you do not know what revision of the vendor code you have. Another is…
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5 answers

Git sparse checkout with exclusion

According to this thread, exclusion in Git's sparse-checkout feature is supposed to be implemented. Is it? Assume that I have the following structure: papers/ papers/... presentations/ presentations/heavy_presentation presentations/... Now I want…
  • 22,030
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3 answers

Why do excluded files keep reappearing in my git sparse checkout?

I use the GCC git mirror and because I only use the C and C++ front ends I use git's sparse checkout feature to exclude the hundreds of files I don't need: $ git config core.sparseCheckout true $ cat .git/info/sparse-checkout…
Jonathan Wakely
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