Questions tagged [spagobi]

SpagoBI is an Open Source Business Intelligence suite covering analytical areas of Business Intelligence projects, like reporting, multidimensional analysis (OLAP), interactive cockpits, data mining, network analysis,...

SpagoBI is an Open Source Business Intelligence suite covering analytical areas of Business Intelligence projects, like reporting, multidimensional analysis (OLAP), interactive cockpits, data mining, network analysis,...

150 questions
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error when deploying OLAP cube in spagoBI. message: cannot deploy document on server: class it.eng.spagobi.sdk.exceptions.SDKException

error when deploying OLAP cube in SpagoBI. error message: cannot deploy document on server: class it.eng.spagobi.sdk.exceptions.SDKException
1 answer

How to loop query with given parameters in Birt Report

I Have made a report in birt. The dataset of the report containing the query which contains many where conditions using a Startdate parameter. I have made two parameters Startdate and Enddate. I want to loop that parameter from a Startdate parameter…
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there is an error When switching between documents' tab in Spago BI reports

In Spago BI , I have created some documents in a folder. when I run more than one document (report) together in the folder, for every documents(reports) is opened one tab (It's normal). But when I switch from one tab to another one in order to see…
1 answer

SpagoBI Studio and BIRT Report with String Parameters does not work

SpagoBI Studio BIRT fails to retrieve external data set definition when data set has a String parameter. I'd like to have an external data set with String parameters, defined in SpagoBI. That data set uses the parameter in the query's WHERE clause.…
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Drill Through not working in SpagoBI server in birt report

This is the setting of the hyperlink in birt report The script used to compute the param is as follows: if (params["idContratto"].match(row["contract_number"].toString()) == null){ if (params["idContratto"].value == "abc"){ …
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how to create a parameter in spagoBi studio with multiple values

how to create a parameter in spagoBI studio with multiple values. i am creating a report and want the queries to be run for multiple selection values.
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Unable to connect from SpagoBI to Cosmos public server

Seems like the hive jdbc client version does not match the version on the cosmos server. Any idea which specific jar files I should use on SpagoBI to provide the appropriate JDBC connection to the hive2 server on Cosmos. Thanks! See stack trace…
M. S.
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How to Integrate SpagoBI application with Java Spring MVC Application?

I want to open the spagoBI documents from spring MVC. Can any one explain the procedure to integrate SpagoBI application with Spring MVC?
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Create data source for cassandra in spagobi

I would like to create a data source using cassandra. Is it possible? If possible, how can I do that?
Arun M R Nair
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2 answers

How to setup SpagoBI on AWS Instance

I want to setup SpagoBI on AWS (Amazon Web services) EC2 instance. I have downloaded the all in one package and moved it to AWS. I ran the startup script. I have done the same steps on my local machine and it is working just fine. On AWS EC2 I have…
Shabir A.
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Creating datamart with spagobimeta

I am trying to make an olap cube with Spago BI. After creating the tables of dimensions and the table of fact in SpagoBI Meta, I launched the execution for getting the datamart. Unfortunately I got this error : What should I do to resolve…
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Preview tab is disappeared in editor area of SpagoBI studio 5.2.0

I am using SpagoBI Studio 5.2.0. In this i have created a BIRT report as i want to see preview of my report i found that there is no preview tab in editor area. Only i can see my report preview by going to Run -> View Report -> Web viewer or any…
Bharti Rawat
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convert html to image in java using SpagoBI url

HtmlImageGenerator htmlImageGenerator=new HtmlImageGenerator(); htmlImageGenerator.loadUrl("url"); htmlImageGenerator.saveAsImage("abc.png"); I have a spagoBI url where this image will save and how can i use this image
Palak Jain
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Retrive and process Ckan Data using Fiware Platform

I'm finishing the publishing of data in Ckan and I want to retrieve, process and visualize this data using Fiware platform. But I searched for this and couldn't find any document showing this integration. Could anyone help me with processing and…
ahmad emad
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How to integrate highcharts in spago bi studio 5.2

As Highchart license is CC, SpagoBI stops include highcharts as default one from version 5.2. However SpagoBI wiki having documentation about howto include HighChart in SpagoBI server. I didn't find documentation to include HighChart in SpagoBI…
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