Questions tagged [smb]

Server Message Block, network-protocol for sharing files and printers implemented by Windows, Samba and others

786 questions
1 answer

Cannot Dowload Files over smb since Windows 10 Upgrade

Was wondering if anyone else has had this problem and if they have been able to solve? I have a Music Playing app which can play music stored on my PC on my android device. I’m sure this is not the most efficient way to do it, but basically it…
Stuart McLaren
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How are all files and directories created as root:root in smb mount ( RHEL)?

We have smb mount point in one of our RHEL server. By logging as normal user, any file or directory created by the user is shown as root:root. What configuration has been made to force user and group shown as root:root always ? I have checked…
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Beginner: How to I access an external SMB server? Windows 8.1

I have a raspberry pi, with samba configured properly. It's IP address is xx.xx.xx.xx and the proper ports are forwarded. I can access it from my mac by doing open smb://xx.xx.xx.xx but I do not know how to do it from a Windows computer. I have…
Patrick Cook
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Samba client error: nt_status_request_not_accepted

The programs which are using the samba connection underneath throw sometimes the nt_status_request_not_accepted error after logon. The threads about this error appear in the Inernet since 2005, but there is no solution or hint yet. What can be the…
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Workaround or alternative to Samba on a non-Linux machine

This territory Is new to me, I am looking to implement Samba in a non Linux machine. From what I read I can see that Samba is only be applied on Linux machines. Is there any workaround to have Samba/SMB working on another operating system. Perhaps…
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How do I use JCIFS with apache VFS to access an SMB URL - part 2?

I had the same problem: How do I use JCIFS with apache VFS to access an SMB URL? ... after including commons-vfs-sandbox-2.1-SNAPSHOT.jar in the classpath I now get this exception: Exception in thread "main"…
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CentOS 6.5 + Samba 4.1.6 - Variable Substitution (smb.conf)

So, I come to you because I have a little problem when setting up my domain controller based on CentOS 6.5 and Samba 4.1.6. Everything works well, except for one small detail, which in my case blocking me. I would like to automatically generate the…
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Remote access of client machine using SmbFile

I can access the client drive if they have admin rights using the below code (can create and write files) but what if the client machine does not have admin rights, how to access their machine drive using below code? public static void main(String[]…
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How do Web-storage services (dropbox, skydrive etc) make users data mappable to a network drive?

What technology do they use? Is it just that my data is literally stored in a folder on their servers and then hosted as a network share (with auth)? I would think that the files would have to be abstracted somehow, stored in .dat files or…
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Cannot access samba share on windows but on mac os it works

I am sharing a directory on a ubuntu server over samba. When I mount the samba share with mac os x then it works perfectly fine. However, when I mount the samba share on windows and I enter the exact credentials as before, I get the error…
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Access to a shared folder for an application, but not the user

I have an application (in a pure windows environment) that needs to store sensitive data so that other workstations with the same applications can access that data. At the moment that's done using a central server with a SMB network share and…
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How to access folder of PC in other network via gateway pc in Java?

I want to read files from a network share with Java. Using jcifs works fine when accessing computers within the same network. Now I need to read files from a computer in another network that is only accessible via a "gateway" pc: Is this possible?…
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Strange LAN issues with VPN

In my company's physical office, there is no domain controller setup, just a bunch of computers ranging from Windows XP to Windows 10 that are all part of the same workgroup in the same LAN. These computers can access shared folders on other…
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how to open a SmbFile, just like we do whith File we use Desktop.getDesktop().open(new File(" ") )

how to open a SmbFile, just like we do whith File we use Desktop.getDesktop().open(new File(" ") ) any idea !!
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Python how to encrypt smb path?

How can I encrypt smb with python? Basically writing to a share in a way that the path is concealed. I made this audit system that saves log files to specific path in a netapp that everyone can access. The problem is that it sends the logs in…
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