Questions tagged [netapp]

NetApp are a company primarily known for the NetApp Filer network attached storage appliances.

NetApp filers are a popular model of network attached storage (NAS) device. NetApp also sell software products catering to the storage reporting and monitoring market niche.

A NetApp filer is a standalone appliance which runs an operating system called ONTAP, and has it's own specialist command set, and is loosely based on BSD. Their primary service offering are for network storage, via CIFS and NFS.

They've also diversified into direct attached storage via iSCSI and FCoE.

Filers are typically configured with a custom variant of RAID-4, that NetApp call RAID-DP. Essentially RAID-4 with a second parity drive.

1 or more RAID groups are turned into an aggregate - a pool of storage.

Volume are created within an aggregate, and may be thin provisioned or deduplicated.*

Qtrees are created within volumes a top level - they're quotaed directory structures. (Enforcing a quota is optional - qtrees merely enable the quota tracking mechanism).

Filers deduplicate at volume level, because this allows volumes to be treated as standalone containers for the purposes of migration around a cluster.

81 questions
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Unable to mount nfs share shared from netapp in centos 7

I am unable to mount nfs share from netapp in centos 7. Exports are shared to everyone from netapp I Specifically tried in nfsversion=3 and security style to sys,none and ntlmssp but still no luck. Below are the messages in /var/log/messages and…
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Using two versions of guava in maven project

I have a project that uses a 3rd party library (the netapp nmsdk package, but that's not really relevant). This library appears to use guava r08, and specifically calls The problem is that class was removed…
Kevin Milner
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java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/common/io/NullOutputStream

I have just started to learn NetApp SDK and trying to run the very first example created by NetApp. I am getting the following error and I don't have any idea why there is something related to com/google/common/io/NullOutputStream Exception in…
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Using FileSystemWatcher on DataOntap

I have a project that watches file creation/deletion activity on a network share which is currently hosted by a Windows Server machine, but I'm considering moving the files to a NetApp box running DataOntap. Their API documentation says they support…
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Prometheus and nfs storage

As per prometheus , the recommendation is not to use nfs storage as persistent volume for prometheus. But solutions like prometheus operator and openshift shows examples which uses nfs as persistent volumes for prometheus. So what am I…
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2 answers

Actual difference between data compression and data deduplication

What is the exact difference between data deduplication and data compression. As of my knowledge data deduplication means when we have exact same copies of data either same block(block level deduplication) or same file(file level deduplication)…
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Certificate based authentication to file share

I am trying to connect an isolated, non-domain-connected system to a file share contained in an Active Directory domain. Ultimately, I need to be able to backup files from the isolated system to the domain-connected file share using a scheduled…
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Detect if a computer is a NetApp filer? (Unmanaged C++)

What is the best way to detect if a computer on a network is a netapp filer? I have tried some general querying of the computers attributes, but nothing has stuck out.
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du warning for netapp data ontap backend

I ran the following command du --apparent-size --block-size=1 --summarize /mnt2/nfspools/_root_root_p1 PS: /mnt2/nfspools/_root_root_p1 is mount point for volume in data ontap filer. I got the following output: du: WARNING: Circular directory…
Avinash Gupta
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Unable to Return output from function

function Get-NaLUNbyMap { <# .DESCRIPTION Gets Lun Information for a particular initiatorgroup name & lunid .EXAMPLE Get-Inventory -computername server-r2 .EXAMPLE Import-Module NaLUNbyMap Get-NaLUNbyMap -igroup "IA" -lunid…
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Combining output of two Cmdlets to get a common output

I wanted to extract a filerview from Net App commandlets, i wrote a an expression below Get-NaLun | Select @{Name="LUN";Expression={$_.path}},@{Name="Size";Expression= …
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NetApp use OSSV account to login through api

I am currently using the ManageOntap v4 SDK for NetApp devices to make snapshots to the device. I use the OSSV snapvault commandline to do restores. The ManageOntap api has a couple ways to login to the device. I can do a Username\Password style,…
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Connect Azure Databricks with Netapp

I have some .csv files on Netapp that I would like to import into Databricks. Is there any way to accomplish this? Alternatively, I could import the same files, but zipped, from HDFS mounting Azure Data Lake Storage Gen1. I would highly prefer the…
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How can I compare two Json arrays at Python?

I am creating a script that allows comparing two ssh command outputs to a remote Netapp, and that allows comparing between a current value and the maximum value of space that the Netapp cabin has. I have collected these values ​​in two dictionaries…
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rancher trident storage integration w/ rancherOS 1.55

i got two rancher cluster (deployed on vsphere). one with centos7 as base os and one with rancheros 1.55 (deployed via rancher ui w/ vsphere provider). on the centos7 based cluster trident integration installation w/; kubectl create ns…
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