Questions tagged [smart-commits]

Smart commits allow people committing in repository to perform actions such as transitioning JIRA issues or creating Crucible code reviews by embedding specific commands into their commit messages.

Smart commits allow people committing in repository to perform actions such as transitioning JIRA issues or creating Crucible code reviews by embedding specific commands into their commit messages.

13 questions
1 answer

Gitlab Jira integration Issue transition is not happening

I have integrated Jira with Gitlab, however on committing in gitlab, its not transitioning an issue from one status to another. I have transitions as follow : To Do (11) In Progress (21) Done (31) As per the workflow issue can move to Done status…
1 answer

Bamboo build: How to show more than 100 commits

I read bamboo documentation but could not find the answer. Is there a way to configure bamboo so that it shows more than 100 commits for each build. Context: We are trying to track which commits were deployed to Production. At the moment it…
Nil Pun
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1 answer

Multiple github repositories smart commits to a single Jira project

I'm having issues with using commits, to multiple GitHub repositories, to update a single Jira project. This is my first attempt. at getting this setup to work. I have searched the Jira documentation but are running into problems with Atlassian…
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1 answer

Jira Smart Commits Not Running Commands

My Jira Smart Commits are correctly being tracked by a Jira Ticket but my commands are not being executed. Example commit I'm attempting to get executed by Jira Smart Commits: $ git commit -m "Foo-2 Fake commit where I moved a task from Backlog to…
Greg Hilston
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2 answers

JIRA github smartcommit

I am not able to transition any issue or update their state from github state. I tried following commands :- git commit -m "NDA-113 #time 1w 2d 4h 30m Total work logged" git commit -m "NDA-113 #comment Total work logged" Those commits are coming…
Ankit Jain
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1 answer

How to specify version with git smart commits?

I'm using BitBucket and Attlasian Jira. They are linked between each other so i can resolve an issues just with git comment: git commit -m "BUG-123 #resolve #comment My comment" My question is. Is it possible to specify fix version with smart…
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1 answer

Smart commits don't work

When I try to use Smart commits using the syntax described in Jira documentation it doesn't transition the issue. When I go to the detail I can see the issue is linked to the coresponding commits, but it didn't transition. I was using the default…
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1 answer

Is it possible to change the assignee in Jira with a Git commit?

I am looking for a way to change the assignee of the ticket when I commit code; we have 2 QAs and currently when I commit I can change the Workflow to, for example, QA from In Progress, and add a comment, but can't find how to change the…
1 answer

JIRA/FishEye Smart Commit Assigning Fix Versions

So we are using (or attempting to use) Smart Commits in Subversion with JIRA/Fisheye. Successful smart commits generally follow the same syntax of the corresponding JIRA action such as #comment, #developer-accepts, #close, #resolve, etc. The…
2 answers

Regex match for Pivotal Tracker

Pivotal Tracker can parse git commits and change ticket status accordingly. I am writing a PHP script that executes post-commit. It searches the commit message and if it finds the right Pivotal Ticket reference it posts it to the PT api. I'm going a…
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3 answers

JIRA Cloud not logging time from smart commits

We have a JIRA Cloud project hooked to a Bitbucket repo. We've enabled time tracking and made sure all the user emails are correct. Edit: I recently noticed that my commit author was NOT the correct user, but that is fixed now and the commits…
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1 answer

How to open files in from previous commit in git?

If I wanted to edit a file from a historic commit in git... how do I access the way the file was from a particular commit?
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1 answer

Is it possible to add labels using smart commits in Fisheye?

This seems to imply that it is only possible to change status and not possible to add labels Is there a workaround or other way of achieving this?