Questions tagged [simplecursortreeadapter]

Use this tag for questions related to SimpleCursorTreeAdapter class, used in Android development.

is an easy adapter to map columns from a cursor to TextViews or ImageViews defined in an XML file, as mentioned in the official page.

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21 questions
2 answers

CursorTreeAdapter with search implementation

I'm making an application for android and I'm using CursorTreeAdapter as ExpandableListView. I want to use a search box for displaying the filtered ExpandableListView items. Like this: Here's the code what I've written so…
2 answers

NPE: CursorTreeAdapter$MyCursorHelper.changeCursor(Cursor, boolean)' on a null object reference

I'm trying to get data from my database in different cursors and show it in an ExpandableListView separated by groups. Like the following: History tasks (to cursor 0) History 1 History 2 Geography tasks (to cursor 1) Geography 1 Geography…
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How to fix this should only be called when the cursor is valid using ExpandableListView

Hi i am using ExpandableListView with AsyncQueryHandler as given in google android samples. But i am getting some exception saying this should only be called when the cursor is valid E/AndroidRuntime(28265): FATAL EXCEPTION:…
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Why the getChildrenCursor in SimpleCursorTreeAdapter of ExpandableListView doesn't work?

I am new in Android.I have a SQL database and want to load data from it in ExpandableListView and use the SimpleCursorTreeAdapter.I have been test fetchGroup and fetchChildren and them work good.But in logcat, the getChildrenCursor doesn't…
0 answers

android ExpandableListView and loader

I'm trying to use a ExpandableListView with loader but i have some problem. My objectif is to make a first query on my database and i group it by month, then for each month made a query for all depense by month. I'm using a custom content provider…
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1 answer

ExpandableListView using SimpleCursorTreeAdapter scrolls to top on update

I have created an ExpandableListAdapter by extending SimpleCursorTreeAdapter. The cursors are managed by loaders. When the list is displayed to user , I start a background service to fetch latest data from server. If the server returns new data I…
1 answer

Usage of '_id' on ExpandableListView with a CursorTreeAdapter

Usage of _id is not clear enough in my mind. Considering all possible actions(onChildClick,onItemClick,onExpand,onCollapse etc. or even drawings) on ExpandableListView below; =A============== -B----------- -C----------- =D============== …
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SimpleCursorTreeAdapter causing an error

Below is the code from my actvity along with a inner class that is a sub-class of Simple Cursor Tree Adapter. The problem is when i click child elements of the There is an error protected void onStart() { super.onStart(); SQLiteDatabase db =…
Anuranjit Maindola
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How to manage cursor in SimpleCursorTreeAdapter when getChildrenCursor uses rawQuery

I have some legacy code that uses rawQuery to create Cursors. The raw query strings are complicated and very long. I'm using these raw queries in the getChildrenCursor() of a SimpleCursorTreeAdapter. The docs say I have to manage my cursors, so…
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1 answer

failed to put View set to invisible

I'm trying to put a view (in list_child) set to invisible if one child is null ( in an expandable listview popluated by external sqlite database and using simplecursortreeadapater) ..I tried to do it like this: 1. Intialise the view inside the…
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Trouble with viewbinder Simplecursortreeadapter -unable to convert string to blob

I have pictures in my sqlite prepopulated database, i'm using Simplecursortreeadapter to pass data to exepndablelistview , but the app crush when opening a childview with a picture and in logcat i got "UNABLE TO CONVERT STRING TO BLLOB'. After…
1 answer

How to add a header row to a list of child views of an expandablelistview that uses simplecursortreeadapter

I'm using a simplecursortreeadapter to populate an expandablelistview and want to have a row at the top of all the children views that has titles for the data. Group 1 Name [Expanded] Header (Date, Name, $) Child 1 (07/12/2017, Chad, 50.00) Child…
3 answers

Android Simple Cursor adapter and Cursor

I have build an app that take data with different attribute, adds them in the database and then shows it through a ListView. I have done the part where data are added, but I Can't figure out how to fetch it(for now I just want the name) from the…
1 answer

I Want to populate the Expandable Listview from the data stored in the sqlite database

I want to populate the Expandable Listview from the data stored in the sqlite database. my Table is id int pk name varchar mobile varchare age int and I want to display name and when I click on that name it will show the mobile and age in expand…
1 answer

SimpleCursorTreeAdapter with two levels

For my project I have this scenario where I want to put one SimpleCursorTreeAdapter into another one to make it two level tree. Children of the first SimpleCursorTreeAdpater have their own children too. How can I achieve this? I searched but…
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