Questions tagged [shortcuts]

Shortcut refers to a short or small path for reaching somewhere rather than the original and longer one.

431 questions
8 answers

How do I close all open tabs at once?

If I have 10 tabs opened, I have to close each one using ":q" separately. How can I close them all at once?
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4 answers

How to disable zoom on Ctrl+scroll in Visual Studio 2010?

Visual Studio 2010 adds a zoom setting on the bottom left of the text editor (to the left of the horizontal scroll bar) and also adopts the Ctrl+mouse scroll idiom for zooming in and out. The former is fine, but I dislike the latter as I am…
10 answers

Run a Command Prompt command from Desktop Shortcut

Is it possible to create a desktop shortcut that, when pressed, will open command prompt and run a pre-defined command?
Philip Kirkbride
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3 answers

Wix create non advertised shortcut for all users / per machine

In WIX, how do you create a non advertised shortcut in the allusers profile? So far I've only been able to accomplish this with advertised shortcuts. I prefer non-advertised shortcuts because you can go to the shortcut's properties and use "find…
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10 answers

Open Powershell in a specific directory from shortcut

This sounds like it should be so simple... I must be dumb. All I want is to make a windows short-cut that opens Powershell into a specific directory: I'm using the target: %SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -noexit…
Dave Bish
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15 answers

Making a Windows shortcut start relative to where the folder is?

I have a game that uses this file structure: GAME FOLDER ->data ->data->run.bat I want to put a shortcut to run.bat in GAME FOLDER, but if I move it, or someone else installs it it won't work, because the target is wrong. Is there a way to make the…
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3 answers

What is the shortcut key for Run to cursor

What is the shortcut key for Run to cursor in Visual Studio 2008?
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Visual Studio Key Strokes: Swapping lines

Is there a keystroke in visual studio similar to Eclipse's Alt + ↑/↓? For example: int x = 0; // Cursor is anywhere on this line. int y = 1; and Alt + Down were pressed, then: int y = 1; int x = 0; // Cursor is anywhere on this line.
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4 answers

Can I set an environment variable for an application using a shortcut in Windows?

I have a feeling I should be able add a directory to the PATH environment variable on an application-lifetime basis, but I can't find out how to do this. Is it possible to add a parameter to a Windows shortcut that appends a directory to the current…
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5 answers

Binding a WPF ShortCut Key to a Command in the ViewModel

I have a WPF app that is using the MVVM pattern. Hooking up buttons to the VM is pretty straight forward since they implement the ICommand. I have a context menu that works similar. The next step is to create shortcut keys for the context menu. I…
Bill Campbell
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4 answers

How can I make another button highlighten on popup window on Mac by using Keyboard

On the above shown asking popup window on Mac, how can I select another button (left button) by using keyboard. Without clicking mouse button, I want to make left button highlighten. Is there any shortcuts?
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6 answers

Eclipse Organize Imports Shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+O) is not working

Eclipse used to import missing packages when I press Ctrl+Shift+O. The shortcut key has stopped working when used in Java files but the same shortcut is working in Python files (importing missing packages). Any thoughts on how to fix the issue.…
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5 answers

VIM: available shortcuts?

I use many shortcuts for my work in vim. Other shortcuts are taken by plugins. Sometimes I would like to add a shortcut for a new command but note afterwards that the shortcut was already taken. Is there a way to see a list of all available…
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4 answers

Editing shortcut (.lnk) properties with Powershell

I've found a nasty VBS way to do this, but I'm looking for a native PoSh procedure to edit the properties of a .LNK file. The goal is to reach out to remote machines, duplicate an existing shortcut with most of the correct properties, and edit a…
Doug Chase
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5 answers

Xcode - open current file in a NEW window (a real challenge !)

Say you have File.m showing in the blue area above. I want File.m to open in a new separate window. How to do this?? Note that - of course - IF you have the ProjectNavigator showing and IF you can see the filename "File.m", then double-click on the…
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