Questions tagged [shinyapps]

Questions regarding by RStudio. This tag should NOT be used for general questions concerning Shiny: those belong to the tag `shiny`. is a product by RStudio that allows you to deploy and share your Shiny applications online. is a self-service platform that makes it easy for you to share your shiny applications on the web


833 questions
1 answer

Create a Shiny App to Upload a Stata Dataset and convert it into a SPSS File

I'm trying to create a shiny app to let people upload a file, and the web page executes rio::convert() function, to transform a ".dta" file into a ".sav" file. Is this possible? How can you code the UI and server? I made an attempt: ui.R ##…
1 answer

Error in group_by(Country.Region) : object 'Country.Region' not found

I am trying to create a shiny app for Coronavirus. library(data.table) library(magrittr) library(dplyr) url <- "" data <- read.csv(url) Confirmed <-…
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1 answer

Efficiant way to load Wold Bank Data via WDI in shiny

I am working on a shiny dashboard project to visualize data from the World Bank. In total i need 14 different variables that I want to show in a data table. It works in R but when I try to do it in shiny I get a connection error. I think it takes…
1 answer

Ububtu, How to fix "Child Task Failure on Deployment"

I can run my Shiny app on the server but cannot deploy it. Here are the steps I take: 1) I start up Ubuntu as admin 2) sudo R library(rsconnect) 3) change directory to the folder containing the Shiny Web App 4) deployApp() 5) Am met with this…
Mikey Mike
  • 59
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1 answer

Replicating selectInput plot using sliderInput

the given script updates the process_map() plot in R shiny using selectInput. I wish to replicate the same functionality using a…
Ashmin Kaul
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1 answer

Shiny App That Was Working No Longer Does

I had a Shiny app where the original version did publish onto I then attempted a more complex version of the same app but it did not work, so I attempted returning to the original version, but now the simple version no longer works. …
2 answers

Compiling a C++ code in in

I have a C++ code (hello world code that prints "hello world!" in a text file). #include #include using namespace std; int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { // insert code here... ofstream myfile;…
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1 answer

Display the selectInput value in a R shiny widget box

Please run the R shiny script below, I wish to display the selectInput value in the third selectInput option in the infoBox widget and replicate the same functionality for all the tabs below. Currently it is hard coded, the script has been written…
Adam Shaw
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