Questions tagged [shapesheet]

The ShapeSheet is a spreadsheet-like environment, which is part of Microsoft Visio. It allows a shape to have its appearance and behavior controlled parametricly using constant values and expressions. This tag should be used for Visio related questions where the problem concerns ShapeSheet access and syntax.

Behind every Shape (and in fact, Page and Document), sits the ShapeSheet. It is the interface for most of the properties of a Shape that effect the shape's apprearance and behavior.

Although it is a visible part of Visio's UI, it also represents the conceptual structure of a shape's properties.

Most of the cells that you find in the ShapeSheet are the only means of accessing that particular attribute of a shape. So even if you're writing code against Visio you still need to address these cells via the CellsU and CellSRC properties on the shape object.

enter image description here

30 questions
1 answer

New Created Custom List Shape Doesn't Work in Microsoft Visio 2013 x64

Objective: First, I should say what I want to do, and then I'll describe what I've done to achieve to my Goal in the next (Descriptions) part. I want to create a Custom List Master Shape from the Plain Container of the Diagram Parts section in the…
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1 answer

How to add a shape to a group with VBA in Visio

How can you add a shape into an existing group in visio, without ungrouping because I have many custom properties into my group shapesheet. I dont want subformulas using it to be broken. Here is the beginning of my VBA code but I can't find a method…
Nicolas Thery
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3 answers

Maintain aspect ratio and relative position in a Visio group

I'm currently creating a custom container shape in Visio 2010 but having some trouble getting the correct resizing behavior. My container consists of a main rectangle and a small triangular shape at the top right (see image). Both these shape are…
Kevin Meiresonne
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2 answers

How to force visio to re-evalute formulas when an untrusted visio document is opened

I have a module that creates a Visio file (VDX) outside Visio. According to the SDK this refers to 'untrusted' XML. I've created my xml file by copied the Masters from my stencil and then refer to them using an XML sparse file. In my sparse xml I…
Eric Hudon
1 answer

How to hide visio shape group in stencil

I have a complex stencil with many small shapes (sheet.6 to 43), grouped in a group (sheet.44). There is also sub-groups in it. I want to hide this group using shapesheet formulas to use a user propertie. On a simple shape I would set…
Nicolas Thery
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1 answer

Formula for checking if a Visio ShapeSheet section is empty

I need an action in the shape context menu to be enabled only when there is at least one hyperlink (the "Hyperlinks" section is non-empty). Is there a formula for this?
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2 answers

Visio .vsdx Unwanted Behavior: Why is User-Defined Shape Value Truncated to 0.00E0 from 1.00E-7?

Problem. A user-defined shape value is unexplainably truncated to 0.00E0 in some (but not all) shapes when saved as a .vsdx-formatted drawing. Desired Outcome.The original (correct) shape value is 1.00E-7 when saved as a .vsd drawing and should be…
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1 answer

Visio shapesheet get Layer index from name

I have some defined shapes in a Visio 2010 stencil, and would like to set the layer depending on the value of a particular shape data field. I would like to do this within the shapesheet if at all possible, since my workplace is very limiting…
David Christie
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1 answer

Setting text alignment with visio stencil

I'm in the proccess of creating an automated visio diagram script in powershell, adding elements with text like so. $GROUP = $CPage.Drop($Stencil_AgentList, $x, $Y) $GROUP.Text = $MatchedGroup.Name $GROUP.AutoConnect($QUEUE, 0,…
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1 answer

Add some (Master) Shapes to another (Master) Shape in Microsoft Visio 2013 x64 when add a (Master) Shape to the Page

I want to create a new Master Shape in the Microsoft Visio 2013 x64 like the Class Master Shape in the UML Class Stencil. When add the Class Master Shape to a page, it appends two Member and one Separator Master Shapes in itself automatically.…
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1 answer

How do I add an action to visio (2003)

In a visio shapesheet one can add actions. I want to create an action that updates the value of another cell (the position of a control). How can one do that. Does it need a separate macro, or can it be specified directly? And how?
Paul de Vrieze
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1 answer

Visio VBA Get BoundingBox of Text

I have a shape in Visio which is a group. The group shape can have its text edited, and when it's edited I want one of the child shapes to sit just to the right of the text in the group shape. To do this, I created a VBA function that takes the…
Jon Fournier
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1 answer

How can I programmatically format text in visio shapes (color, size, font)?

I can change the font, color, size of characters in the shape. But only for rows that already exist in the VisSectionIndices.visSectionCharacter of shapesheet. I cant create new rows for this section and cant change the number of characters for each…
0 answers

VISIO: formula on ShapeSheet disappears when drag and drop a shape from stencil

I am adding a drop-down feature to my shapes. I created the formulas on the ShapeSheet to ask the user to assign a Layer as soon as the shape is added to the drawing. On the stencil the formulas look ok, but when I am grab and drop the shape from…
Oscar Jara
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1 answer

Visio ShapeSheet ShapeData: keep two rows in sync

I have two Shape Data rows for a Shape's ShapeSheet: Shape Data Label Prompt Type Format Value …
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