Questions tagged [setup.exe]

InstallShield­ / Windows Installer setup file.


Setup.exe is the setup file for installation of a computer program (including device drivers and plugins), in the act of making the program ready for execution. Because the process varies for each program and each computer, programs (including operating systems) often come with an installer.

Some computer programs can be executed by simply copying them into a folder stored on a computer and executing them. Other programs are supplied in a form unsuitable for immediate execution and therefore need an installation procedure.


Setup.exe is an executable file for Microsoft Windows based operating systems, whose work includes following operations

  • Making sure that necessary system requirements are met
  • Checking for existing versions of the software
  • Creating or updating program files and folders
  • Adding configuration data such as configuration files, Windows registry entries or environment variables
  • Making the software accessible to the user, for instance by creating links, shortcuts or bookmarks
  • Configuring components that run automatically, such as daemons or Windows services
  • Performing product activation


The tag can include programming related problems of publishing a setup.exe file and other development related problems. Please avoid using tag for installation related problems. Please note is another stackexchange website where you can ask such installation related problems.

36 questions
2 answers

Visual Studio 2008 Setup Project is not generating Setup.exe anymore

I have a Visual Studio 2008 Setup Project that when compiled in the past would generate a Setup.exe in the output directory along with the .msi output file. Now it no longer generates the Setup.exe which I actually do need. Did I change a project…
Phil Wright
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1 answer

How does the setup.exe for a ClickOnce published application know how to get the prerequisites?

I'm researching ClickOnce to help maintain a .Net 3.5 legacy application and I haven't really found anything that explains how a ClickOnce published app figures out what prerequisites need to be installed. The setup.exe file is downloaded from a…
David Carek
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c# visual studio 2015, Symantec deleting setup.exe file and preventing install

I created a c# windows desktop application using Visual Studio 2015 to be used on other desktop computers at work. I used the "ClickOnce Deployment" it packages the application to be ready for instillation on another computer. I put the desktop…
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Is the SetUp.exe file unique for Deployment Package?

Someone asked me this today after a failed file move, and I was not sure what to tell them. When you build a .NET deployment package you get the setup.exe and the .msi files. I know that the .msi file is needed... but for the setup.exe, is that…
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Setup.exe build from azure pipelines prompts for .NET framework 4.7.2 on every run

We are trying to generate a click once application using azure devops pipelines. During this, we publish the project to create a setup.exe. All the pre-requisites required are ticked, the project builds and publishes the setup.exe without any…
5 answers

Integrating SQLite with a Windows application

So I created a simple WPF application that allows a user to INSERT a string into a SQLite database (a .S3DB file). The user can also SELECT a string from the database and DELETE the string from the database...very simple application. I want to…
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1 answer

One Click Deployment Setup Requires Installation of .NET Framework 4.7.2

I'm trying to create an application that does not require admin rights to use. When I publish the application there are 3 components shown: A folder called "Application Files" setup.exe MyApplicationName.application Running…
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2 answers

msiexec parameters via setup.exe to create log not working

I'm trying to get a log from my install that uses a setup.exe. I can get a log with just setup.exe /V"/l\*v c:\temp\installlog.txt", but I want to pass the x parameter as well to get "Extra debugging information" and when I try setup.exe /V"/l*vx…
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1 answer

run command line command from .net installation setup

i have created a installation setup in using Setup Wizard. I want to run a cmd command or batch file as soon as the setup finishes its work. Is it possible and how?
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New and old InstallShield 12 Setup.exe files suddenly have no icon in windows

My team has used the same Install Shield 12 project for years. Several weeks ago Windows Explorer in Vista and Win7 stopped displaying icon sizes above 16x16 for the installer. So List, Details, and Small views show the 16x icon but Tile,…
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1 answer

Prepare a 64bit setup.exe from basic msi project Installshield 2009 premier

I'm deploying 64bit dlls, exes by setting each component's 64bit component = yes and setting "General Information->Summary INformation Stream->Template Summary = x64;1033". All things are ok, but the produced setup.exe when i run it, from task…
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3 answers

Silent Installation of setup.exe

I'm trying to run a silent installation for a couple of setup.exe. I searched for this topic and the suggested command was: setup.exe /q I ran the command and still received the setup wizard. The applications I'm trying to install are VB6 apps. I…
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0 answers

List components installed in my application

Using Visual Studio 2017. I created a winform application, and then created the corresponding "Setup project" which produced a "setup.exe". How can I list the components that will install when I execute this?
1 answer

Visual Studio 2005 Creating Setup.exe with Crystal Report 9 and ODBC driver

My project is running fine. Now I want to create a setup.exe and give it for deployment. Last time I sent it it was fine but for the last few attempts and I am now giving up I have the following problem: After I install the setup.exe thus created…
0 answers

Make a COM registering DLL installer (for beginners)?

I've made multiple C# DLLs in MS Visual Studio which I then access from Excel via VBA calls. These work fine on my machine (obviously VS COM registers them for me when compiling as long as I have the right boxes ticked). I also got them working on…
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