Questions tagged [servlet-2.5]

A Servlet 2.5 (JSR-154) specification targeted to the Java EE 5 platform.

September 26, 2005, Sun Microsystems, and an expert group for JSR-154 issued technical support release, which should be corrected version of the Servlet API version 2.4. Under normal conditions, these releases JSR expert groups to include a clarification, and useful solutions to improve the existing errors in the field of security in previous versions. However, in this case, it added several innovations that led to the revision and release of version 2.5.

Among the changes and improvements that were introduced in Servlet API version 2.5 are the following:

  • Depending on the platform Java EE 5.
  • Support for annotations.
  • Convenience in writing the application descriptor web.xml
  • Reduces some of the limitations of previous versions of the Servlet API.
  • Clarification of the principles of the servlet for some extreme situations.

When working with Servlet API 2.5 keep in mind the version of containers that support this standard. At this point the latest versions of the servers as Tomcat, Jboss AS, Apache Geronimo support Servlet API 2.5.

25 questions
8 answers

Setting an httponly cookie with javax.servlet 2.5

here is a function that sets a cookie: public void addCookie(String cookieName, String cookieValue, Integer maxAge, HttpServletResponse response) { Cookie cookie = new Cookie(cookieName, cookieValue); cookie.setPath("/mycampaigns"); …
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Application does not start with Spring Boot 1.2.1 + Spring Security + Servlet 2.5

I have a Spring Boot application with Spring Security starter that works well in "modern" (i.e. Servlet 3.0+) J2E servers such as Tomcat 7 or Jetty 8. My problem is that I have to run the application in a Weblogic 10.3 server (the Production one),…
Jérémy Buget
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How to deploy Spring Boot app to Tomcat 6 Servlet 2.5

I created a FAQ using spring boot. it needs to be deployed to a tomcat 6 server (servlet 2.5). I need to configure the current parent java app(war) web.xml to point all request to url pattern "/faq/*" for example, to my spring boot FAQ app. I've…
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How to get header from response in Servlet 2.3 or 2.5

I know that v3.0 has method getHeader() but what about 2.3? Maybe it possible to get from steam? UPDATE: Actually, I need the HTTP response header RESTful application. In some reason I have decided to do this in servlet filter... but without…
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How can I create HttpOnly cookies using Servlet API 2.5?

I'm working with a web application that uses Servlet API v2.5, running on Tomcat 6, and I need to send HttpOnly cookies to the client. I'm not talking about session cookies generated by the servlet container (which is covered excellently by this…
Brant Bobby
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Jersey 2 status code not visible in HttpServletResponseWrapper

The Java servlet API does not provide a getStatus method for HttpServletResponse until version 3.0. I have created a HttpServletResponseWrapper with getStatus to wrap HttpServletResponse and catch the status when it is set. This does not work with…
1 answer

Set session tracking mode to cookie in Servlet 2.5

How can i set the session tracking mode to only use the cookies, i can set this in Servlet 3.0 by setting the COOKIE in the web.xml or by using…
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Does Spring Boot support servlet 2.5 auto-configuration?

I would like to create a Spring Boot application to be deployed on Google AppEngine infrastructure. GAE currently only supports servlet 2.5 web applications. Is it possible to use Spring Boot - using auto-configuration - in combination with a…
Marcel Overdijk
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JSF and basic authentification

i have an application with basic form authentification, all work fine (i m using servlet 2.5 and JSF2). i need to add an extra parameter in my form (infogerant) in hidden:
2 answers

Spring cloud Zuul with servlet-api 2.5

@EnableZuulProxy doesn't work under a servlet 2.5 container. Is there any workaround to get spring-cloud zuul work under a servet 2.5 container? Also I could not find the annotation processor of @EnableZuulProxy. Please provide the class which…
Fahim Farook
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Spring 4 mvc + security for servlet 2.5 in JBoss5.1.0.GA

I want to use spring 4 with minimal xml configuration for the now new project I am about to develop. I will be using Spring in this project for dependency-injection, mvc, security and jdbc. I will use JOOQ for query generation. (Yes, I need to…
Vijay Veeraraghavan
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How can I use variable substitution in Tomcat's web.xml for the context path

Using Tomcat as my Servlet Container, how can I deploy two identical wars to different contexts and simply use the context path as the variable which will determine which properties file to load? I'm looking to do something like this in web.xml: …
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servlet-class references to "org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet" that does not implement interface javax.servlet.Servlet

I am new to Spring and trying to deploy and run my first spring web application using Maven.For more details,please refer here(a question I posted yesterday): Now,the problem I am having is: When I am trying the follwing 2 URL's,I am getting an…
Sandeep Chatterjee
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3 answers

Not getting Text Area value with file upload JSP and Servet 2.5

I am trying to submit a form with text fields, text area, file field etc in a JSP form. I am using commons file upload for this form. Here is my JSP form:
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Use javax.servlet 2.5 plugin in Juno

While developing plugins for Eclipse, I want to use the javax.servlet plugin that comes bundled with Java EE eclipse. I found that However, the version packaged with Juno comes with servlet 3.0 specs. Is there a way to install and use the plugin…
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