Questions tagged [service-level-agreement]

A service-level agreement (SLA) is a commitment between a service provider and a client. Particular aspects of the service – quality, availability, responsibilities – are agreed between the service provider and the service user. The most common component of SLA is that the services should be provided to the customer as agreed upon in the contract

7 questions
7 answers

Airflow sla_miss_callback function not triggering

I have been trying to get a slack message callback to trigger on SLA misses. I've noticed that: sla_misses get registered succesfully in the Airflow web UI at slamiss/list/ on_failure_callback works succesfully However, the sla_miss_callback…
1 answer

How to calculate application availability (SLA)

I have standard ASP.NET MVC project and I need to calculate application availability to find out our SLA level. So, I need to get something like this for our web application. Information from my hosting provider System Availability:…
0 answers

Disaster Recovery plan with single region deployment

One of our customer opt out of multi region deployment of their application due to various reason (assumed calculated SLA for single region is enough for their business need) However they asked if there is DRP (Disaster Recovery Plan) available for…
1 answer

Case SLA timer not matching Default SLA Settings

I have SLA Failure defined as 2 Days in the Service Management in my Dynamics Customer Service Sandbox, however each time I create a case, the case timer starts as 7 days. Is this a bug in Dynamics 365 or do we need to change some settings for it?
1 answer

Is"always" a workable term to describe the uptime of a server?

since me and my colleagues had a discussion about this, I wanted to ask, if you would use the term "always" to describe the uptime of a server in a requirement. Example: The server should be always reachable. Since, in my opinion, alsways can't be…
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1 answer

How to add SLA's to ETL jobs running in Airflow?

I am new to Apache Airflow. I have some DAGs already running in the Airflow. Now I want to add SLA's to it so that I can track and monitor the tasks and get alert if something breaks. I know how to add SLA's to DAGs default_args using timedelta()…
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1 answer

Cloud Provider SLAs exposed via RESTful APIs

I was wondering if any of the major cloud providers (AWS, Azure, Google) exposed their SLAs for virtual machines via a RESTful API. Basically, I am looking for the information available on these…