Questions tagged [sentence]

A sentence is an ordinated sequence of words in a given language. often referred to as "document" in Natural Language Processing.

313 questions
5 answers

Javascript RegExp for splitting text into sentences and keeping the delimiter

I am trying to use javascript's split to get the sentences out of a string but keep the delimiter eg !?. So far I have sentences = text.split(/[\\.!?]/); which works but does not include the ending punctuation for each sentence (.!?). Does anyone…
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How to break up document by sentences with Spacy

How can I break a document (e.g., paragraph, book, etc) into sentences. For example, "The dog ran. The cat jumped" into ["The dog ran", "The cat jumped"] with spacy?
Ulad Kasach
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4 answers

Split sentence into words but having trouble with the punctuations in C#

I have seen a few similar questions but I am trying to achieve this. Given a string, str="The moon is our natural satellite, i.e. it rotates around the Earth!" I want to extract the words and store them in an array. The expected array elements…
Richard N
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7 answers

R break corpus into sentences

I have a number of PDF documents, which I have read into a corpus with library tm. How can one break the corpus into sentences? It can be done by reading the file with readLines followed by sentSplit from package qdap [*]. That function requires a…
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2 answers

NLP for extracting actions from text

I'm hoping somebody can point me in the right direction to learn about separating out actions from a bunch of text. Suppose I have this text Drop off the dry cleaning, and go to the corner store and pick-up a jug of milk and get a pint of…
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1 answer

Sentence Segmentation using Spacy

I am new to Spacy and NLP. Facing the below issue while doing sentence segmentation using Spacy. The text I am trying to tokenise into sentences contains numbered lists(with space between numbering and actual text) . Like below. import spacy nlp =…
Satheesh K
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1 answer

Python regex for finding all words in a string

Hello I am new into regex and I'm starting out with python. I'm stuck at extracting all words from an English sentence. So far I have: import re shop="hello seattle what have you got" regex = r'(\w*) ' list1=re.findall(regex,shop) print list1 This…
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Making a meaningful sentence from a given set of words

I am working on a program that needs to create a sentence that is grammatically correct from a given set of words. Here I will be passing an input of a list of strings to the program and my output should be a meaningful sentence made with those…
1 answer

Sentence Structure identification - spacy

I intend to identify the sentence structure in English using spacy and textacy. For example: The cat sat on the mat - SVO , The cat jumped and picked up the biscuit - SVV0. The cat ate the biscuit and cookies. - SVOO. The program is supposed to…
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3 answers

I wish to create a system where I give a sentence and the system spits out sentences similar in meaning to the input sentence I gave

This is an NLP problem and I was wondering how I should proceed. How difficult is the problem? Could I replace the word with synonyms and check that the grammar is correct?
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2 answers

Python autocomplete user input

I have a list of teamnames. Let's say they are teamnames=["Blackpool","Blackburn","Arsenal"] In the program I ask the user which team he would like to do stuff with. I want python to autocomplete the user's input if it matches a team and print…
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5 answers

Convert a list of string sentences to words

I'm trying to essentially take a list of strings containg sentences such as: sentence = ['Here is an example of what I am working with', 'But I need to change the format', 'to something more useable'] and convert it into the following: word_list =…
George Burrows
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2 answers

How to "transform" an array in a sentence?

I am using Ruby on Rails v3.0.9 and I would like to "transform" an array of strings in a sentence including punctuation. That is, if I have an array like the following: ["element 1", "element 2", "element 3"] I would like to get\build: # Note: I…
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1 answer

Convert interrogative sentence to imperative sentence

I'm trying to develop a Natural Language Interfaces to Database, and I'm just wondering if there is a library or an API (Java) that I can use to convert a question (interrogative sentence) to a command (imperative sentence). Ex : from "Which…
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4 answers

Maven: If sentences in pom.xml in the property tag

I'd like to set a property if an environment variable is set. I googled a lot on it and all I found is something similar to the code below, but I keep getting the error: [FATAL] Non-parseable POM Y:\Maven\parent-pom\pom.xml: TEXT must be…
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