Questions tagged [selenoid]

Selenium Hub successor running browsers in Docker containers

Selenium Hub successor running browsers in Docker containers

86 questions
1 answer

docker Selenoid chrome gives Timed out receiving message from renderer: 300.000

I'm getting this error when I'm running long test cases. mainly this happens with Jenkins. OS : Ubuntu 18.04 Docker Version: 19.03.8 Docker API version: 1.40 No Of Containers : 4 RAM : 30GB Processor : i7 9700k browsers.json { "chrome": { …
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Not able to see any recorded video under in selenoid

I'm not getting any video list under But I can see video recorded inside the video folder using the terminal. tried this as well:-…
Ankur Singh
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2 answers

Expose application running on host port to Selenoid

I'm running a Selenoid application test automation script, and would like to run this script against a local application. However, I can't find how to expose my local application (running on port 8787) to Selenoid. I found the following thread…
Simon Baars
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1 answer

Is there any way to change the default port of selenoid-ui from 8080 to other ports

Is there any way we can change default port os selenoid-ui from 8080 to some other port? I've tried as below in yml file but no success. With this configuration selenoid-ui neither works with 8080 nor 8181, selenoid-ui: image:…
0 answers

Selenoid - Unable to create browser session

I have deployed selenoid on gcp and am able to connect to selenoid UI but I cannot create a session using http://:4444/hub/wd and it gives timeout error. I am also getting timeout error when I request http://:4444/status. Any ideas on…
1 answer

Selenium C# Chromedriver download file on TeamCity

I am automating downloading and then reading a pdf through ITextSharp. This works perfectly when run locally, no issues. When run in CI is where issues occur, I believe the file is not downloading. The way I am executing the download is by…
1 answer

Has anyone or selenoid itself handles failing node in the cluster during a test execution?

We have been runnning the selenoid cluster on Ec2 Spot instances and sometimes they are deleted. The test fails. Any recommended strategy to not be in this situation other than not using spot?
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Protractor W3C capability

I am using Protractor with Selenoid. I need to use the dockerized Windows images so that I can test Internet Explorer and Edge from Linux boxes. I was able to make it work from curl by running: curl -X POST -d…
2 answers

Selenoid-ui dashboard doesn't show the old sessions data

DESCRIPTION While running test cases using selenoid, the selenoi-ui olny shows the current sessions. As soon as the sessions are completed, it removes sessions data from dashboard. QUESTION Is there any way to show old run results in dashboard?
0 answers

Unable to launch Selenium tests on Chrome container in Selenoid using Webdriver Manager

I am using Webdriver manager to instantiate my drivers. I am launching tests cases on Chrome in an Ubuntu OS installed in a VirtualBox with Windows as a host machine. However, of late, when I launch my test case, it opens the url in chrome, stays…
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Selenoid - Parallel Testing in Cucumber 4 in Maven using Junit

Well, I am able to launch my Cucumber features in parallel using Maven Surefire Plugin. I am also able to launch these tests remotely in containers using Selenoid as well. However, when I launch my tests, they are only launched in Chrome as per my…
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2 answers

Unable to start selenoid server using docker

404 page not found is displayed while accessing selenoid on http://localhost:4444/ address I am able to access the selenoid UI on 'http://localhost:8080/#/' address content of docker-compose.yml file version: '3' services: selenoid: image:…
2 answers

How to integrate selenoid and allure

We implement farm of browsers based on GGR + Selenoid. If there any instruction how to integrate Allure reporting with such infrastructure? On which host allure-results folder will be generated? Should I create a script that will go through each…
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Selenoid: Chrome Browser starts for few seconds and goes down

Details: 1. The browser comes up for a flash of a second and shuts down causing the next test step which is to set the cookie to fail. Error: UnableToSetCookieError: unable to set cookie (Session info: chrome=77.0.3865.75) at…
Deepti K
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1 answer

Is it possible to adapt Selenium driver for usage with Selenoid?

E.g. I have ready-to-use Perl Selenium driver. How to make it compatible with Selenoid and use Selenoid-UI ? As far as I understand, Selenoid is based on Selenium 2.x version. But Selenium and…
Paul Serikov
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