Questions tagged [seleniumwire]

Selenium Wire is a python package that extends the original Python bindings provided by Selenium in order to provide the tests with additional access to the underlying requests that were made by the browser. Use this tag for questions related to the Selenium Wire package.

Selenium Wire package:

29 questions
1 answer

selenium-wire blocking connection due to proxy config

I'm using selenium-wire and the firefox webdriver to access a website (online game). I am running a python script on my local network and no proxy is needed to access the Internet. Here is a extract on my code: #!C:/Python38-32/python.exe from…
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Can't click button after using an authentisized proxy (Python seleniumwire)

I'm trying to click "Add to Bag" button and with selenium it work's just fine, but after using selenium-wire with authentisized proxy server, although i can still get to site and click every other button and it works, after clicking this one nothing…
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Dowload images while I browse site

Goal: Collect all the images from a site as I browse. I've tried: requests and wget don't work even with cookies set and all headers changed to mimic Firefox. Firefox cache has the images, but they all have a random string as the name. I need…
1 answer

Set RequestHeader through Selenium WebDriver

I'm encountering the below error while trying to set Request headers using browsermobproxy for selenium tests. Exception in thread "main" org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: : Failed to read the 'localStorage' property from 'Window': Access is…
0 answers

Python Selenium Wire Webdriver not utilizing Page Load Strategy

Edit: There are other questions addressing the ability to interact with pages that aren't fully loaded. THIS IS NOT THAT. This is specific to the SeleniumWire driver, not just Selenium Webdriver. I'm currently working with a project using Selenium…
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Can't access website with Selenium-wire after using Pyinstaller

I need to access a website. For that I need to use proxies with authentication and a specific user-agent. Here's the code: def start_driver(proxy_data, user_agent): proxy = ( proxy_data.get('login') + ':' + proxy_data.get('password')…
1 answer

Seleniumwire not logging all requests in chrome headless mode

I'm trying to capture all network logs using seleniumwire. When chromedriver is in normal mode, it is able to capture all requests. But when it is in headless mode, it is not capturing all requests. I tried adding sleep(10), assert…
0 answers

Selenium-wire is not finding a header (Python)

Selenium wire is not finding my header with the command request.response.headers['Content-Type']. I tried several Headers that can be found using the chrome dev tool. Code: from seleniumwire import webdriver chromedriver = 'C:\Program Files…
Tudor Popescu
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Use Python seleniumwire with proxy authentication

I am trying to access a url using proxy authentication whith username and password. I have found a package which uses proxy authentication: selenium-wire on I have written the following code from…
Reda E.
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Cant make an API Call when using Proxy in Selenium Wire

I am using Selenium wire to get a specific request header. I have obtained the request header however when I attempt to use the request header to make an API call that I have created using postman I get these errors. Is there a way to close the…
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Selenium-wire does not intercept requests when connecting remotely

I am using Selenoid on a dedicated computer to run browsers. The connection is as follows: from seleniumwire import webdriver chrome_options =…
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Selenium-wire response object - Way to get response body as string rather than bytes

I want to fetch a response body as string in selenium-wire which I will eventually parse as JSON. response.body in selenium-wire gives bytes string. I tried decoding it as response.body.decode('utf-8') but this gives decoding error. Can someone help…
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Python - Selenium Wire, how to delete interceptor param

I'm looking for a little bit of help. I'm using Selenium Wire to process the requests from a website and I need to change some settings in the requests. I found the request_interceptor method which work perfectly. Problem is, I can only overwrite a…
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Error selenium wire linux with dependency cryptography

I have a problem installing the seleniumwire library on a Linux server, it sends me an error in the rust for cryptography, I have tried to solve it but I have not been able, any ideas? Caused by: process didn't exit successfully: `rustc…
0 answers

How to set Proxy authentication for Python Selenium chrome

I want to set selenium to use authenticated proxies from a .txt file in the form on ip:port:username:password. So far i have only been able to open the txt file and readlines. Could anyone guide me on the next step?