Questions tagged [selenium2library]

Selenium2Library is a web testing library for Robot Framework.

Selenium2Library is a web testing library for Robot Framework.

It uses the Selenium 2 (WebDriver) libraries internally to control a web browser. See for more information on Selenium 2 and WebDriver.

Selenium2Library runs tests in a real browser instance. It should work in most modern browsers and can be used with both Python and Jython interpreters.

227 questions
6 answers

How to run headless REMOTE chrome using robot framework

I'm trying to run chrome headless with my robot framework tests suites. I managed to do it independtly with python using selenium as follows: options = webdriver.ChromeOptions() options.add_argument('--headless') my_driver =…
Dan W
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1 answer

Create an Empty List and push data in an Iteration using Robot Framework

I need to make a collection which is populated in a loop. So, I need a global collection and I need to use that collection variable in For Loop using Robot Framework. Kindly look at the code *** Settings *** Library Selenium2Library Library …
2 answers

Unhandled error "Cannot find context with specified id" using Robot framework

I have a problem when working with iframe using Robot framework and Selenium2Library. It throws error: WebDriverException: Message: unknown error: unhandled inspector error: {"code":- 32000,"message":"Cannot find context with specified id"} (Session…
2 answers

Robot Framework: Wait Until Element Is Visible vs. Element Should Be Visible, which one is better to use?

I know that both of them can be used to validate if an element appears on the page but I was wondering about the performance impact and readability implications of each. So my question is, suppose you have 20 elements to check in the page, Is it…
0 answers

Not getting focus back to browser after AutoIT Widows authentication in Robotframework

A condition that I am trying to automate in Robotframework: Go to URL(Library Selenium2Library) Login with windows authentication (Library AutoItLibrary) focus back to the browser TestCase in RobotFramework: Open browser: *** Settings…
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RobotFramework: Drag And Drop Selenium2 Keyword seems not to work

I'm testing web app (using RobotFramework with Selenium2Library) in which some drag and drop actions is needed at couple of points. I tried Drag And Drop keyword, but it's not working properly. Since I can't pass the production app, I recreated…
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How do I use Click Element function with robot framework when the element does not have id or name?

I'm currently using the Selenium2Library in robot framework to automate some web tests. Currently, I'm having problems automating the click of a login button with the Click Element function. This is the element I would like to use:
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1 answer

Robot selenium2library how to set wait for elements globally

I would like to ask whether there is an option in robot (using selenium2library) to set some implicit wait for ALL elements which should be located during the test on just one place? Currently I place the wait before EACH element in my keywords…
1 answer

How can I get my gradle test task to use python pip install for library that isn't on maven central?

I am trying to set up a gradle task that will run Robot tests. Robot uses a python library to interact with Selenium in order to test a web page through a browser. But unfortunately it seems the only way to install the…
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3 answers

scroll until the element is in view using Selenium2Library Keyword

I am using Robot Framework for my web application automation execution.I had found one such solution using Selenium Web-driver. scroll until the element is in view using Selenium Webdriver But I wanted to accomplish this using…
Pujari Rajagonda
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3 answers

How to use variable, which value should be set in keyword or test, in XPATH?

I need to click on element based on what value it contains..but I want to set this value in test run or keyword definition (best option is in the test I guess) How should I do it? the variable containing xpath should look like that: ${DROPDOWN…
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2 answers

Robot Framework - Selenium2library - Check the Favicon of the page

I need to see if the current page is displaying the correct title icon. We change the icon depending on where you are on the site, and need to make a check against it. I have tried Page Should Contain Image /bin/icons/1.ico The HTML we use…
1 answer

Robot Framework - Selenium2Library - Input text into field according to the text before it

Due to every ID being randomly generated after each refresh, I am having to use other identifiers. I basically want Robot to input text into a field next to my indicated identifier. I want text to be inputted to the user:…
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1 answer

How to reduce waiting time in Selenium2Library Robot Framework

I have a test script in Robot Framework which I want to reduce its elapsed time. I have below command as a part of the test procedure: wait until element is enabled id=${elementId} In run time, it takes about 5 seconds to be done; I've set…
Zeinab Abbasimazar
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3 answers

How to Upload file from windows directory using selenium2library and Robot Framework

Can someone help me How to Upload file from windows directory using selenium2library and Robot Framework.I have tried using Choose File command in selenium2library but I am getting error as File doesn't exist in local file system.I am not sure…
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