Questions tagged [selenium-builder]

An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Selenium to create, develop, and run tests.

An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Selenium to create, develop, and run tests.

The product Home Page:

11 questions
0 answers

Selenium Builder to create a data driven UI Automation Framework

I recently came across Selenium Builder and found it very useful as it gives ability to record a test and export the script in multiple languages. I am analysing for using it to create a UI Automation Framework. Anyone having any experience /…
1 answer

Export WebDriver Code - Selenium IDE vs Selenium Builder

I want to export recorded Selenium 2 WebDriver Tests with the IDE or the Builder as C# code to use it in my MSTest project. Until now I have to rewrite the code from NUnit code to MSTest, but I want to write a plugin / rewrite export code. Now I am…
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Selenium Learning step by step

I am new to selenium web testing. Could you tell me how to learn it step by step, and what the technologies are that I need to study?
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Running Mocha tests from selenium builder in a browser

How can I run tests in a browser? I use selenium builder to remember steps then I export the file.js and run it in mocha (npm test). The test is successful, but I can not call a browser. If I export the and run it in eclipse, everything…
1 answer

Selenium Builder 3 CSS Selector Substring Match

Currently i'm learning how to use Selenium Builder 3 and how to use all of its tools; however, I ran into an issue along the lines of grabbing the correct ID of an element. The website i'm writing a test for auto-generates ID's and every time you…
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Check duplicate content with Selenium Builder

Im using Selenium Builder to make a Selenium Test. I want to check if there's some duplicated content on the site. It can be text "This is an example" or div ids "#id_to_catch". How can I do this?
David TG
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Selenium builder, Run Test Locally is not enabled

I have downloaded selenium builder from with following configuration Firefox version 43.0.4 Selenium builder version 3.0.5 After that I have Launch the SeleniumBuilder and click the “Manage Plugins” and download the …
1 answer

Visual Studio Team Services Building JSON Scripts

I'm currently building scripts using Selenium Builder (which saves files as JSON) and i'm having a hard time running these scripts on VSTS. My question specifically is, can Visual Studio Team Services build JSON scripts and tie them in with its…
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Selenium Builder test execution through SeInterpreter.jar

I have recorded a UI test with selenium builder (firefox plugin) and have saved it as a .json file. Now I am trying to run this through commandline using SeInterpreter jar. My command is this: java -jar SeInterpreter.jar I…
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1 answer

Using Selenium Builder plugin to handle iframes

I am using the selenium builder plugin in firefox. I was executing events on a website and saw that selenium builder wasnt able to record them. After looking into it I found out that the website used iframe. I know I can go and add switchToFrame in…
1 answer

selenium sauce labs hover image displays the correct section

I am using the a tool provided by saucelabs to create a user test. I have a div containing an image and when you hover over it a box displaying where your magnifying appears and that area is then displayed to the right The aim of the test is to…
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