Questions tagged [segger-jlink]

Questions related to the JLink JTAG/SWD debug probe from Segger GmbH. For questions related to the Java 9 command-line tool, the [jlink] tag should preferably be used.

52 questions
1 answer

CAN 1 RX works in loopback mode, but not in Normal mode

I am using a STM32F413RG based custom board and trying to run some CAN bus based applications on it. I am trying to start with CAN 1 and wrote a bare metal code using CMSIS library to transmit and receive. Here is the code for three functions -…
Shankar S
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2 answers

Issue with J-Link debugger while working with bootloader on STM32F765

I'm using the J-Link EDU and STLink debugger present on the Nucleo boards from ST. For testing, the bootloader code is present at 0x8000000 and just jumps to 0x8020000 where the main app code is present. When I use the Jlink EDU, it can't program…
Uzair Chughtai
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Controlling Nordic nRF52 via SWD interface

I am trying to program/halt/boot/erase etc. a Nordic Semi MCU. This is the ARM-Cortex M4 in nRF52. I am using the SWD pins of the chip and can achieve this if I use the commercial J-Link with the nrfjprog command-line tool or their Segger windows…
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Debugging mBed-OS 5 using J-Link OpenSDA Firmware and GDB

I am working with a MK64FN1M0xxx12 development kit that supports OpenSDA. To make things easier to debug, I flashed the J-Link firmware that supports the SEGGER debugger command set. Before doing this I made sure my device was officially supported.…
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Using GDB convenience vars with monitor commands

I'm using arm-none-eabi-gdb and JLinkGDBServer to debug an embedded system using a JLink SAM-ICE. The embedded system uses an ATSAMD21 MCU. From reading page 25 of the JLinkGDBServer documentation, I learned that I can read a memory location on the…
John M
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Call a command line from python to execute a program in batch mode with args

I need to call a program in command line that will be executed in batch mode. This program receives a file with extension .jlink that contains a series of commands that the program JLink.exe will execute and then close. I tried to execute in the…
0 answers

J-Link GDB Server receving a connection by Python

Hello great people of the internets I am using J-Link GDB Server to accept GDB clients and execute commands via J-link Commander. I am using a fully automated python code that needs to send write and read requests to change/read registries in a…
1 answer

Atmel studio does not work tool window for release or debug mode selection

I have recently been using Atmel studio 7. I'll briefly explain my problem: i can't get debugging to work because i can't select DEBUG mode. this is because when I enter propreties -> tool the set window does not appear but this message appears: An…
0 answers

JLink debugger - physical connection issue (microSD card slot + a DIY jtag->microsd adapter)

I have this Khadas Edge board, and the SWD debug pins are in the microSD card slot. I used an SD extension cable from aliexpress to connect my JLink - and debugging works just fine. I'm able to use GDB and all. The problem is that the connection is…
Stas L
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Segger J-Link EDU Mini not recognized in Atmel Studio

I recently ran into a problem while trying to program a bare-metal ARM Microcontroller (specifically the ATSAMD11D14AS) with my Segger J-Link EDU Mini, via SWD). I downloaded all of the necessary applications from Segger (J-Link Commander V6.98b,…
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Cortex-M0+ not responding to PendSV

I'm running on a Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2040, Cortex-M0+ core, debugging via VSCode cortex-debug using JLink SWD), and I'm seeing strange behaviour regarding PendSV. Immediately prior, the SVCall exception handler requested PendSV via the ICSR…
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How to turn on LED on stm32 board using assembly language that generated by llvm?

My English skill is poor because I'm not a native English speaker. Please understand. I compiled some test code that operating alright in IAR with LLVM infra but the generated code was not operated on my test board. Detail are as follows. Test…
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RTT Control Block Not found

I am trying to demonstrate Continuous recording mode, provided by SEGGER System-view tool, which I am using on my STM32F401RE Nucleo board. Unfortunately, every time I press start recording (F5) and provide the RTT Control Block Detection mode,…
0 answers

Segger J-Link (or i-jet) with Renesas R-Car H3 and IAR

Does anyone know how to use a Segger JLink or IAR I-Jet with a Renesas R-Car H3 Cortex-R7 core? I can't find anything on the Segger or IAR website.
Realtime Rik
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Jlinkg gdbserver to work through the pipe not port as openOCD does

I know that is not strictly programming question, but debugging is the part of any software development (at least for me). I am trying to debug embedded targets using Visual Studio. Unfortunately Microsoft as usually screwed it up. Theoretically it…
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