Questions tagged [nrf51]

The nRF51 Series is a family of highly flexible, multi-protocol, system-on-chip (SoC) devices for ultra-low power wireless applications from Nordic Semiconductor [1].

82 questions
2 answers

OpenOCD fails to connect with cortex processor

I'm trying to flash a cortex m0 based SoC from a Raspberry Pi 3 Compute Module GPIOs but it keeps failing with the same error. Error: Could not initialize the debug port I'm following this…
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Problem Flashing nrf52 chip using Openocd

I have a custom nrf52 chip on a pcb with swd pins exposed. I have cloned and installed the latest openocd from The latest version includes all the latest pathes for the nrf52 chip, so no need for any additional…
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Android BLE Characteristic setValue Unable To Write Correct Data

I am trying to develop an Android App that connects to my NRF51822 based system using BLE. The aim is to write a 3 byte value (RGB) to a my custom characteristic. Android is the GATT client and NRF51 based device is GATT server. I am able to…
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J-Link GDB debugging in CLion

Not long ago CLion added support for Remote GDB debugging and I'm trying to set it up with Seggers's J-Link GDB server. My setup: VM VirtualBox running Ubuntu 16.04 J-Link drivers: V6.10 Target chip: nRF51 (ARM Cortex M0) CLion 2016.2.2 I…
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How to use(or convert) this NATIVE BLE DFU library for Xamarin?

I'm making app with using Xamarin.forms (PCL project). I'm making app like FITBIT and its wearable device. I'm using nrf51822 MCU from Nordic. Someone has done lots of work for syncing with ble device for Xamarin.Forms and fortunately it's working…
1 answer

Incremental build with GCC and manual makefile?

I am coding to the NRF51822 bluetooth chip, in Eclipse with GCC and a makefile that I maintain myself. My problem is that every time I press build, it will compile everything, which is beginning to take quite some time. I am not that experienced in…
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Get BLE data notifications in ubuntu

I defined custom service (NRF51822,S110) to send sensor data. In that I enabled notifications for new data. I can able to receive data, if I enabled notification in NRFconnect app in Android and windows. But I am not able to enable notification in…
2 answers

UWP Bluetooth Low Energy Application Disconnects Early

So I am designing an application for windows laptops to connect to a custom designed pressure sensor. The application pairs to the device and then receives notifications from the device every 10 ms. Then for some reason the communication stops. I…
Jayden Booth
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nrf51822 + ST-Link V2 Debugging

I'm working on a project where I need to program an NRF51822 using an ST-Link V2 (well, perhaps I don't have to do it this way, but that's what I'm currently doing/own). I'm pretty sure it's running properly, but I really need a debug console to…
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0 answers

Xiaomi BLE pairing works in debug only

We developing device based on Nordic nRF51 bluetooth low energy chip, whitch acts in peripheral mode, and have android application, whitch acts as bluetooth central. Application starts advertising and our device makes pair with phone (popup dialog…
1 answer

Nordic nrf51822 and S130 never gets to my application code

I am trying to run a NRF51822 chip using Emblocks and OpenOCD, the debugger interface is a ST-Link from a Discovery board, which supports SWD. When I program the Blank device everything works fine, the program flow reaches the main function.…
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Getting started with nrf51882a

I'm currently trying to start with the nordic development kits, I installed all the tools required to be able to start the development & also I get some files which have the following: drivers' codes ?& header files which contain their…
1 answer

Can't find header file with cmake

I'm trying to compile a 'blinky' program for the nRF51422 chip, and I've been using CMake in Cygwin to create the makefile. (Bear in mind, I'm new at this.) Here's my CMakeLists: cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8…
1 answer

Post-build step in QBS

I'm trying to convert the nRF51822 (an Arm Cortex microcontroller) build process from Make to QBS. I've got the compilation process working ok (lots of hard-coded paths but I'll fix that later). However, the final step is to use objcopy to convert…
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How to send and parse JSON data through NRF24L01 sensor?

TRANSMITTER.ino (COM8 port) #include #include #include #include RF24 radio(7, 8); // CE, CSN const byte addresses[6] = {"00001"}; void setup() { radio.begin(); radio.openWritingPipe(addresses); …
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