Questions tagged [search-suggestion]

A search suggestion can be made by a search engine when it discovers that the enduser entered poor or unknown keywords. The search engine will then suggest better keywords as in "Don't you mean [keywords]?".

301 questions
1 answer

Android SearchRecentSuggestions - suggestions do not get displayed when typing in SearchView

I have a working search widget and want to add search history suggestions. I followed the Android tutorial (, and while the search still works, no suggestions are…
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android search: customize suggestion layout

I've been following along with the directions here for both SearchView and dialog implementations. Both are visible below. There are many questions on SO that focus on customizing the search box, but few that are about customizing the UI of the…
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How to implement auto suggest using Lucene's new AnalyzingInfixSuggester API?

I am a greenhand on Lucene, and I want to implement auto suggest, just like google, when I input a character like 'G', it would give me a list, you can try your self. I have searched on the whole net. Nobody has done this , and it gives us some new…
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5 answers

Android: getSearchableInfo(getComponentName()) returning null?

I'm trying to get suggestions for SearchView. I've implemented a custom content provider for it. I've also referred to this link to implement suggestions for the SearchView. The problem I'm facing is, I get null value on…
2 answers

Elasticsearch completion suggester on multifield with different weighting

I'm using the Completion Suggester in Elasticsearch to allow partial word matching queries. In my index (products_index), I'd like to be able to query both the product_name field and the brand field. Here are my mappings: POST…
Harry Wang
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8 answers

Detecting misspelled words

I have a list of airport names and my users have the possibility to enter one airport name to select it for futher processing. How would you handle misspelled names and present a list of suggestions?
2 answers

How can i get unique suggestions without duplicates when i use completion suggester?

I am using elastic 5.1.1 in my environment. I have chosen completion suggester on a field name post_hashtags with an array of strings to have suggestion on it. I am getting response as below for prefix "inv" Req: POST…
2 answers

Add suggestion URL for custom search engine in chrome

I have a local search engine backed by a elasticsearch and a thin nodejs API for search. I want to be able to search those documents from Google Chrome (builds available from Google, not Chromium) directly. In this use case, I will use chrome ONLY…
3 answers

Android: How to get search suggestions asynchronously from the web?

I have created a searchable activity. Now, i want to add search suggestions that are taken from web service. I want to get those suggestions asynchronously. According to Adding Custom Suggestions I need to override the query method, do my suggestion…
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Using a web URL for SUGGEST_COLUMN_ICON_1 for Search Suggestions

I have a SearchManager setup where a suggestions dropdown will display as the user types. The results are from my server (http). I would like to display an icon with each option (if the file in fact does exist). Looking at the docs, I see the…
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Elasticsearch completion suggest search with multiple-word inputs

Using the Elasticsearch completion suggester I have problems returning multi-word input suggestions matching a one-word query. Example structure: PUT /test_index/ { "mappings": { "item": { "properties": { …
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3 answers

SearchView Filtering and Set Suggestions

I am very new to using SearchView. I need a functionality where I have an ActionBar for which I have Search. When I click on Search, the Suggestions should be displayed in a List below the Search field. What I have done so far : Added search in…
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recent searches are not displayed, custom suggestions are

I have a search widget (SearchView), displaying custom suggestions while typing. I've followed official guide to add recent queries to suggestions, but I still have custom suggestions ONLY. For each search, my fragment call this function (verified)…
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how to correct spelling mistakes in Google custom API

I am using Google's custom search API, I make an HTTP request to a URL that looks like this: if you search for "how can i do htis" on Google you are told…
3 answers

Android - Prevent text truncation in SearchView suggestions?

The suggestions that appear in the default ListView beneath my SearchView contain text that is truncated. I would like the text to be displayed in its entirety (on multiple lines if necessary). I have come up with two possible ways to solve this…
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