Questions tagged [sdk]

A software development kit (SDK) is a set of development tools that allows for the creation of software for a certain hardware platform, development environment, or software package. A SDK may consist of a combination of APIs, an IDE or other development tools, and frameworks.

A software development kit (SDK) is typically a set of development tools that allows for the creation of software or firmware for one or more of the following:

  • operating systems ();
  • hardware platforms () (e.g. desktop computers, mobile devices, gaming consoles, etc.);
  • hardware accessories () (e.g. external GPS hardware, barcode scanners, etc.);
  • software package () (e.g. advanced image processing, barcoding library, ERP, etc.).

While the term SDK may be narrowly interpreted as being simply an API, it may also be construed as including any combination of the following:

  • application programming interface ();
  • frameworks (); and/or
  • development tools, notably an integrated development environment ()
13802 questions
2 answers

I cannot retrieve my groups using Facebook SDK 5.1 using C#

I am using the Facebook SDK and I am trying with C# to get the groups the user is subscribed to. The code is as follows JsonObject Groups = (JsonObject)client.Get("me/groups"); After this code executes I get an empty object. Is it something that I…
1 answer

How can I delay, or pause, a function in ansca's corona? (lua)

I can't find it documented anywhere :/ (question is the title) found this but can't get it to work. function onCollision( event ) --code-- end Runtime:addEventListener( "collision", listener ) local function listener( event ) …
3 answers

In Xcode 4 iPhone Simulator not showing up

Till yesterday only I was able to test my applications both on iPhone simulator as well as iPad simulator. But now I can run the application only on iPad simulator. It is working fine on iPad simulator. But if I select iPhone simulator and try to…
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Multiline text (wordwrap) with drawAtPoint?

is there a way to draw multiline text with drawAtPoint? I have tried UILineBreakModeWordWrap but doesnt seem to be working? How would you convert this code to a working multiline text?? point = CGPointMake(boundsX, 50); [self.heading…
George Asda
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Facebook connect fbs_[app_id] cookie not being set from JavaScript SDK

I'm using the Graph API via JavaScript SDK like this (this is basic example straight from documentation):
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Custom MKAnnotationView - How to capture touches and NOT dismiss the callout?

I have a custom MKAnnotationView subclass. It is showing the view exactly as I want it to. In that view, I have a button. I want to capture events on the button to perform an action. This works just fine. However, I do NOT want the callout to be…
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1 answer

How to include iOS SDK lower than 4.3 in Xcode 4.2

I just upgrade my Xcode to 4.2 because I upgraded my MacOS to Lion. In this version of Xcode. only includes SDK 4.3, I can set the Deploy Target to 4.0 or other lower version, but different from old Xcode, I can't launched Simulators for lower…
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2 answers

Launch Youtube app with a video

I have an app with a UIButton, I wish, when I click the button that the iPhone launches Youtube app with directly my video ready to start to play, I've tried this code: [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL…
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1 answer

How to implement Single Sign On (SSO) using facebook ios sdk for iphone

I am using the latest facebook ios sdk in my app. In order to implement SSO, Facebook says: Modify your application's main AppDelegate class as follows: - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application handleOpenURL:(NSURL *)url In this method,…
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5 answers

When two buttons are pressed at the same time, this method causes a crash: -(void)buttonPressed:(UIButton *)button WHAT IS WRONG?

I have 1 method for two buttons in my UI, for touch up inside. -(void)buttonPressed:(UIButton *)button{ [yButton setEnabled:NO]; [iButton setEnabled:NO]; pismeno = (button.tag == BUTTON_TAG_Y) ? PismenoYpsilon : PismenoJota; [self…
Martin Herman
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1 answer

Azure VM provisioning - custom data

anyone proficient in azure SDK for python? I'm trying to create many VM's using an image that I captured from another VM. Questions: How do I put the custom image for deploying? poller = …
0 answers

Two folders are being created when i try to install HAXM

I updated Android Studio and my emulator stopped working. I have tried all the possible solutions .didn't work. I found that when I try to install intel HAXM via sdk manager, two folders are being created. and warning shows "Package…
0 answers

importing an existing JAR or AAR as new project module

how to import JAR or AAR package as new project module in A new Android Studio Arctic Fox | 2020.3.1 Canary 9 ? please let me know.
1 answer

Xcode12.4 Can't merge user_target_xcconfig for pod targets

I have been trying to update Pods, however, I get this warning every time I run pod update. Here are the Excluded Architectures of the Project and Pods respectively. What I've tried Added this snippet to the top of Podfile post_install do…
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1 answer

Problem while authenticating using Facebook PHP SDK

I am trying out a bit of Facebook PHP SDK. Here is my code : '189152054469765', 'secret' =>…
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