Questions tagged [sdi]

Questions concerning implementation of Single-Document Interface (SDI) may have this tag.

87 questions
4 answers

Switch GUI application behavior between SDI and MDI

I currently have an SDI application that is build with Delphi 7, I want the final user to choose the type of interface between SDI and MDI at runtime. my question is how can I change the behavior of the application between SDI and MDI at…
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1 answer

Difference between Server side include and Sling dynamic include?

Can anyone tell me the difference between Server side include and sling dynamic include and their respective use cases ?
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3 answers

How can I take eclipse out of MDI mode?

Does anyone know of a way to make Eclipse an SDI application rather than an MDI one? SDI - Single document interface, each pane is its own window MDI - Multiple document interface, all of the panes are stuck inside one "master" window. Eclipse is…
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3 answers

How do you disable the Maximize button in MFC?

How do you disable the Maximize button/capability in an SDI application?
1 answer

Center a CFormView "dialog resource" within the CMainFrame window in a SDI

I have a dialog resource with some controls inside, mostly a user and password edit controls, bonded to a CFormView. Such dialog is a small rectangle of 300 x 200 pixels. When I run the application, the CFrameWindow occupies almost all screen, so…
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2 answers

How to change MFC View by clicking a Button inside the MainFrame

I want to change the presented View by clicking a button inside the Window like this. My Project settings: I made an MFC Project (SDI) without Doc/View support. I made two more Views in the Designer and added Classes to them. The new View Classes…
Xe Li
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2 answers

SDI vs MDI vs TDI vs?

I'm making a small business application and I'm wondering what the best interface would be. The application itself is your run-of-the-mill service ticket tracker. There will be forms for searching tickets (with a grid for results), creating a new…
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1 answer

How to pull a MDI child window out of the main form?

I want to create a MDI application with it's own task bar so the user can have fast access to the child windows he/she wants to bring to front. Then I had the idea that an user who works with two or more monitors could drag on of the child windows…
2 answers

Arduino serial: inverted 7E1. Possible?

I'm trying to talk serial with an SDI-12 device, and it requires inverted seven data bits, even parity and one stop bit (7E1) serial at 1200 baud. From the datasheet: SDI-12 communication sends characters at 1200 bits per second. Each character has…
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2 answers

Single Document Interface document based cocoa application

Is there a way to create Single Document Interface (SDI) document based cocoa application? I dont want user to open multiple documents at once.
fish potato
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3 answers

C# - WinForms - SDI or MDI Approach?

I am creating a Visual C# WinForms application that will contain 4 forms: A "control" form that will have anywhere between 2 buttons and potentially up to 10 or so. So the screen will need to accommodate enough space for the maximum amount of…
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1 answer

How to handle message send from view class to dialog?

I have SDI application that hand view, doc and mainframe. In view class, I have button to open another dialog, let say Chartering dialog. I would like to open that dialog and send initial value from view to assign some variable at dialog, but I can…
1 answer

What is the correct way to access DLL functions in a SDI app?

I have a simple SDI app which works pretty well. Lately I decided to make use some of functions, exported by a DLL. All those DLL functions work with a static memory buffer (which the app must define and use in the function calls) . Fact is, some…
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2 answers

In SDI: where to disable menu, code ok in MDI

I am trying to disable main menu items. in MDI application, this works: CWnd *pW=AfxGetMainWnd(); CMenu * pMenu=pW->GetMenu(); pMenu->EnableMenuItem(5, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_GRAYED | MF_DISABLED); Not in SDI. Most likely, I am putting it into the…
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1 answer

Change client area of View

I have MFC SDI application. It has Ribbon, status bars, properties windows, ... I need to make client area of a view be x % 16. So I can't adjust entire window, but I need to resize CMyView to be divisible by 16 pixels. Is there a way to do so? This…
Happy SDE
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