Questions tagged [scrollreveal.js]

scrollReveal.js is a javascript package used to animate DOM elements as they enter the viewport.

scrollReveal.js is an open source javascript package created by Julian Lloyd used to animate DOM elements as they enter the viewport.

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32 questions
1 answer

ScrollReveal.js — Reveal All items on Click or Event?

Is there a way to reveal all items with scroll reveal with a click event? Perhaps a reveal all function? Problem: I am using scroll reveal as well as Isotope. The sorting functionality of isotope reacts strange with scroll reveal. When I click a…
2 answers

scrollreveal.js and flexbox

I'm experiencing an issue with using scrollreveal.js together with flexbox. I've created a few two-column rows along the page using display flex and when trying to reveal each column separately with the scrollreveal reference only one of them are…
Staffan Estberg
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1 answer

ScrollReveal.js not working on Safari with elements

I'm currently using ScrollReveal.js to make a bunch of tiny pixelated boxes do random things when scrolled upon, with the following code: var index=0; $(document).ready(function(){ jQuery('.pixel-box').each(function() { //each tiny box has class…
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1 answer

How to use scrollRevealJS alongside AnimateCSS?

I love both the scrollRevealJS and AnimateCSS libraries for animations, however, I would like to use them both on one element. For example, I have a div
Lorem Ipsum
. For some reason,…
Ralph David Abernathy
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1 answer

scrollreveal ReferenceError: document is not defined after requiring const ScrollReveal = require("scrollreveal");

I am trying to use the scrollreveal javascript. Installed it via npm and use it in my NodeJS code (see below). Also, I'm including it in my HTML as well. Now when I run nodemon app.js in hyper terminal I get this error: C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\My…
0 answers

My last item of owlCarousel appears only when browser window zooming out

I'm using owlCarousel library in my popular-travel section, and to make the item (image) more interactive. I use scrollReveal.js to animate when the section appears in the viewport. Everything works fine, but my last item (4th image) in my popular…
1 answer

ScrollReveal with webpack - ReferenceError: ScrollReveal is not defined

Using Laravel 5.6.29 with laravel-mix@2.1.11 & webpack@3.12.0. After installing scrollreveal@3.4.0 via npm i scrollreveal and requiring it in my app.js with require('scrollreveal'), I see that in my app.js output that ScrollReveal is there to be…
1 answer

Scrollreveal.js using afterreveal to call function

I'm using Scrollreveal.js to reveal some divs on my website. Now i want Scrollreveal to call a function after it has revealed a specific div. As the documentation says: " // Callbacks that fire for each completed element reveal, and…
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1 answer

ScrollReveal Not Working in Custom Viewport

I've read many tutorials, but I'm struggling to get ScrollReveal to work. I have two major columns, with the left using a scroll bar, and the right with no scrolling. There are no errors in the console, and I get this when I inspect the div element…
2 answers

ScrollReveal not working

I'm doing everything the internet says, the exact same coding, step by step. Doesn't seem to work for me. jQuery:
1 answer

Scrollreveal.js not working on modal

I tried using scrollreveal.js on modal. But i'm having a problem revealing the content when modal is scroll. I've tried changing the viewport(see the code below both not working) to myModal but still not working. Thanks for your help. Here my fiddle…
Undecided Dev
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0 answers

Masonry + ScrollReveal bug when container is resized

When I'm only using Masonry, there's no issue, but combined with ScrollReveal, if the window is resized (so the grid container too), the tiles will have bugged positionning and these will reveal as if the document's scrollY was badly used by…
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0 answers

Nuxt: How to combine Scroll-Reveal and Parallax

I wondered how to best combine the Scroll-Reveal and the Jarallax (or any other Parallax) plugin for my nuxt application. I included both as plugins and they work fine on their own. If I try to have an element with scroll reveal also contain…
0 answers

ScrollReveal js reset: false not working on mobile

I'm using ScrollRevealjs library in a drupal website and for some reason the animations are displayed each time i scroll up and down on mobile only. The goal is to display them only once. The reset: false option works fine on desktop. This is my…
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